Chapter 23: Not how I roll

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Chapter 23:  (Sorry for the wait!)

“Amy shut up.”

“No! I told you what I saw, that doesn’t mean you should go barreling into a trap!”

The doctor whirled on her, and she dropped her next retort from the expression on his face.

“I’m going and that’s final.”

He walked around the dark console and weakly flipped a few switches.

“You are still weak! You weren’t breathing for like seven minutes! You can’t run into a fight your unprepared for, especially not alone!”


“No! I know what I saw, and it wasn’t anything you’ve handles before. It’s ten times worse and it knows your coming! It’ll be waiting with a trap or something!”


“If you go alone you’ll get yourself killed! I’ve seen it happen! The girl watches you die! Or maybe it’s me, but you cant go!”


She throws her hands up. “No. No you are NOT going alone. Nope.”

“Amy.” He finally gets a word in edgewise. “I never said you couldn’t come.”

She smirks and nods. “Well, ok then. But Doctor, this isn’t the sort of alien that you can just talk to or reason with, its dangerous!”

“So am I.”

Amy huffs and crosses her arms. “You’re going to need weapons.”

Before she can continue he stands up straighter and says. “No no Amy that’s not-”

“How you roll?” She finishes for him.

He grows silent.

“Doctor I know she means something to you. I don’t know who she is but I know that she would have to be special for this guy to use her as bait. He could have gotten me easily, but he needed something more important to you. I have seen as much.”

He opens his mouth to tell her that she was important. And not to talk about herself like that, but she hushes him, knowing what he would say.

“It doesn't matter.” She continues, “But at least tell me who she is?”

He sighs and walks over to the railing and looks over to the floor. Through the glass and to the wirings beneath his magnificent Time ship. He hops over the side and lands cat like before walking over to the cables and wires hanging in his face. He grabs his tool-belt off of a hook, straps it on over his thin waist and plops himself down on his makeshift swing.

He pulls out his goggles and places them on his head, pushing the lenses up to hold back his hair, then grabs his sonic and pretends to check the wiring beneath the console, merely swinging back and forth, his feet trailing on the ground.

Amy slowly walks down the steps and sits, resting her head on the railing and watches.

The doctor opens his mouth and croaks. “Her name, Rose Tyler.”

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 12, 2013 ⏰

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