Chapter 19: Close to the end

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Chapter 19: Close to the end

“Maybe it likes the cheese!” Amy suggests, throwing a small piece of their prize over to the massive red fish in front of them. 100 feet below the nearest exit from the under water city, Amy and The Doctor are standing on the bottom of a corral reef, bubbles supplying circular filter air around their heads.

The fish swallows the prize whole and eagerly turns for more.

They were on the planet Malmonatraxis. The sixth largest ocean planet in the universe, totaling 2 suns and 5 moons, keeping the massive tides under way. There were 5 continents, each about the size of Australia. Each housing a different tribe of aliens that are at war with the underwater races such as the Gicoinion fish people. Lion fish on top, humanoid on bottom. They had pets, and those pets were currently about to bite off Amy’s head.

“DOCTOR! Give it the rest!”

He looks fondly at the nap-sack full of timeless cheeses. “But these are the oldest cheeses in the universe! They Have to be taken away from the Gicoinion and returned to the humans on the Islands! If not this war could last ages more!”

She swims over to him, nabs the sack and begins to swim for the surface past the crumbling city walls.

The fish turns its slippery body in pursuit and the Doctor does his best to distract it.

He points his screwdriver at it, flips the switch, and nothing happens.

“Water!” He swears and begins to swim as fast as he can to the tail of the fish. He grabs its back tail fin, and it angrily forgets about amy and her fancy cheeses and begins to violently try to shake him off.

“A-” “M-” “Yyy!!!!” He spits out every syllable as he is shook violently back and forth.

Amy had flung her red hair out of the water and gasped as the bubble popped.

She was terrified that the fish would swallow her whole while she bobbed up at the top like bait.

She turned, swimming in place looking for land.

Its barely visible in the distance.

She begins to swim, then realizes theres no way she can out run the fish, or swim all the way to land with one arm full of cheese and the tide moving against her.

She feels the fish scales brush the bottom of her feet.

She screams and swims in the other direction trying to keep it confused.

Suddenly two hands grab her ankles and with tremendous force, pull her under water, her scream echoing over the water long after she had gone under.

Amy kicks violently as she’s pulled deeper and deeper until her ears pop.

She opens her mouth and screams, hoping the doctor would hear and come to her aid, losing what air she had managed to get before going under.

She opens her eyes and looks down at her captor. It’s hard to make out the face since her eyes are getting blurry and the salt is causing them to sting. 

The head of the creature is ringed with what looks like green fire, and two piercing eyes are distinguishable from the face. The rest is lost in the darkness as the sink deeper and deeper. She can tell it’s female, but that doesn’t stop her from kicking it in the face.

Her lungs are burning and panic is rising inside of her. She was going to die here, a long way from home, with a bag of old cheeses in her hand.

She see’s tendrils of blackness swarm over her vision. She closes her eyes and continues to struggle, until the blackness became a tangible thing. Like a blanket that welcomed her. She considered giving in to it. It seemed so inviting and warm next to the icy suffocating water. She could nearly grab it. Inside her mind. Grab that darkness and curl under it. Is this death? Was it this easy? The pain in her lungs was gone and the only thing she could think was, “I’m cold. I’m falling. I want to be warm again.”

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