Chapter 16: The Bed Room

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Chapter 16: The BED room

Amy stares at the wall in front of her, her eyes pried open, determined she wouldn’t fall asleep. The Doctor needed some rest she knew, and she was determined to not wake him up this night. Her eyes begin to droop and she slaps her wrist hard. The pain alerts her senses slightly and her flaming hair sticks up on the back of her neck. Someone was watching her.

She flings upward and around, then sighs. Sitting in a chair directly by her bedside is The Doctor. Dark circles are under his ancient eyes and his floppy hair is raggedly shaken and messy. His head is tilted and is resting on his shoulder, sound asleep.

She carefully tries the lay back down without waking him, but a creak in the bed springs cause him to jump.

She swears under her breath and turns to smile at him. “What’s up?”

He shrugs. “Just being even more prepared I guess.”

She frowns and furrows her brow. “You need some sleep. Go to bed Doctor.”

He smirks. “YOU go to bed.”

She glares. “Don’t tell me what to do. I’m not tired.” She was tired, but she’d never let that on. She still got more sleep then he did, even if it was filled with bad dreams, but still, she was exhausted.

“Yes you are I can see it in your face.” He retorts. “I know what your doing, and it’s not going to work. You can’t stay awake forever!”

“Neither can you!”

He rubs his face for a moment and takes a deep breath before speaking again, only more quietly. “You’re not to only one who has nightmares Amelia.”               

She doesn’t say anything. Just stares slightly stunned at his sad eyes.

He stands up, suddenly with a mischievous grin. He extends a hand to her, and she takes it.

“Where are we going?”

He opens the door and they walk down the hall, heading for a fire-pole in the floor. He hops down it and his voice rings upward as he slides down. “To the bedroom!”

She confusedly grabs the golden fire-pole. “Your bedroom?”

She slides down the golden pole for at least 5 floors worth of sliding.

When she hits the ground she’s in a white empty room full of swimming pool noodles and foam squares like for gymnastics stadium.

A 7 foot hole in the floor is where the doctor is looking at, his head hanging down it.

“No of course not! The BED room.”

She looks over the side of the hole, her fiery red hair hanging over the side.

“I don’t get it.”

He looks over at her, a happy grin painting his face. 

The room below them is massive. Absolutely expansive. A least miles in each direction. The floor looks wavy like an ocean. Whatever sort of carpet is on it, it’s rippling like silk and looks like a gigantic galaxy is rippling on the floor beneath her. At least 200 feet below her.

The whole room reminds her of a lazer-tag stadium. The light coming from neon foam toys scattered on the floor, and a purplish sort of glow resting on it all.

“It’s the BED room.” He explains simply. She confusedly looks at him, when suddenly his hand slips, and he falls over the side, tumbling through the air.


She screams as he lands on the ocean like carpet, and the floor ripples where he landed.

She begins to panic, when she can hear a noise rising from the ground.

He was laughing.

The Doctor stands unsteadily like he was on a floating swimming chair.

“Come on!” He begins to jump on the massive floor, massive wave like ripples of silk bounding across the ground and definitely helping the image of an ever changing galaxy.

Amy had never loved heights, or falling from them, but as she tumbled through the air, she felt like she was flying. She suddenly contemplated how she should land when she hit what felt like a massive torrent of air.

The silky ground whooshes beneath her, as she sinks several feet into it, her arms flying upward.

The sensation of floating on light air takes her breath away. 

A hand extends to her face and she grabs it and he pulls her out of the hole. She stumbles into his arms and they laugh together.

“So the BED room..?”

He laughs. “Gigantic endless sea of bed. It never stops moving, so it’s like being on an ocean, with plastic wrap over it!”

She looks down. “So theres wander under here?”

He scoffs and bounds away. “No you are currently on top of the sea of time! Time winds are beneath you right now! Theres a split in the Rift and it’s right under this room. The winds and everything else time is made of spills under the silk and makes it like a massive waterbed!”

Amy laughs and begins to chase him around the endless space.

“Does it ever end?” She asks laughing. 

“I don’t know!”

Amy’s smile lit up the dark space and for the first time in a long while, she wasn’t worried about a thing. 

She begins to jump, and the winds below her seem to project her impossibly high.

“How do you get out?” She asks as she jumps.

“Jump up the hole!”


“Just try it!”

Amy positions herself under the hole, and begins to jump.

Every jump propels herself high into the air, until she can scrabble at the 200 foot hight hole and into the white room.

She grabs a beach ball, then turns to the wall and grins.

After the next few minutes, several toys fall from the hole in the ceiling, a beach-ball smacking The Doctor in the face.

Then Amy falls, nearly landing on top of him.

She picks up the ball and throws it at him.

He laughs and hits it back until a full fledged game of futbol is going on.

After hours of jumping, they end up laying on their backs, amy resting her head on his chest, his hand resting in her hair.

“Why are you being so nice to me?” She asks snuggling into his jacket like a blanket on her back, trying to get comfortable.

He looks down at her surprisedly. “I’m always nice to you Pond.”

She giggles. “Ya I know that. But lately, all the places we’ve been going, showing me this room, we never do stuff this fun.”

He looks back at the ceiling. 

“You just, seemed, a bit, you know, unhappy.”

“Well thank you.”


Just for a moment, he let his feelings about this perfect moment leave him, and his thoughts were etched upon his face. But he wiped it like a slate. He had to be happy for her. He forced a smile onto his voice as he said. 

“Goodnight Amelia.” 

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