Chapter 9: An old friend

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Chapter 9: An old friend

She instantly forgets about the men with guns, and drops to his side. She turns his face over to see his bloodshot eyes. He coughs, attempts to sit up, but then his eyes roll to the top of his head and he passes out.

"What did you do to him?!?" She yells at the woman, standing over his body like an artist admiring a long taken piece on display. 

"Rose, get out of the way." She says calmly, pulling out a shiny black revolver. 

Fear etches itself onto her like a tattoo. Rose grabs his armpits and attempts to drag him away as she gets closer.

"Stop it!" Rose screams, tears beginning to fall. "Why are you doing this?" She throws herself in front of the lady, trying to shield his unconscious body.

The woman sighs. "I"m Sorry Rose. But this man isn't The Doctor.

Rose slowly lets out an angry huff of breath and shoots her a look so furious, that she actually takes a step back. 

"You stupid COW! I KNOW THAT!" She screams standing up. 

"I-I" The woman stutters. 

Rose brings back her hand and slaps her hard across the cheek. "You idiot! You just walk in here and try to shoot people Willy nilly? Tasering strangers? I'll report you! You-"

A different voice cries out. "Stop it you two!"

Every head in the room turns to the new voice. Rose looks too. Rose backs up as he comes nearer, and actually trips and falls to her backside.

The man extends a hand. 

"Captain Jack Harkness." He says with a sly grin. "And I believe we've met."

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