Chapter 10: Welcome to TORCHWOOD

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Chapter 10: Welcome to TORCHWOOD

Rose grabs his hand and stands up, staring into his blue eyes in shock.

“Jack? How, how can you be here?”

He gives her a perfect even toothed smile, “Trust me, it’s quite a story, but not for all ears.”

She looks at the soldiers and fury once again. She bends down to The Doctor and brushes the hair out of his eyes gently. Jack bends down and places two fingers on his neck.

“Hmmm. He should have woken up by now.”

He turns around to the black woman who had tazed him. She stands at attention, the red spot on her cheek shining as she throws up a salute.

“At ease, Alex.”

She slowly lowers her arm. “Have your men take him inside. If he’s hurt I’ll hold you personally responsible, twice. And you’ll never see the inside of a building again, got it? How does the Sahara desert sound?”

In fear she gives the order, and three men come out with a stretcher, and wheel him inside, jack and Rose trailing behind.

“He’ll be fin i’m sure.” Jack says casually. “He probably just hit the floor pretty hard.”

Rose rubs the bridge of her nose. “It’s not like he’s in peak condition. I don’t think he’s slept in around a week. He’s a mess.”

Guilt swells in her chest like a balloon.

“Haven’t had time for sleeping eh?” Jack says opening a door with a special name tag. 

She slugs him in the arm. “Not like that!” 

After going through several stretching corridors and past a sliding rock wall, they enter an elevator. Inside the elevator Rose subconsciously has her hand on The Doctor’s, as he lay on the gurney. He stirs slightly at her touch, and she bends over him, stroking his forehead with her thumb.

Jack looks at her through the corner of his eye, and grins slightly.

“Has he had a doctors appointment since you two got here?”

She turns and looks at jack again. “No. I don’t think so, he wasn’t with me until the other day. I-um. It was stupid...”

He turns away. “It’s ok. I understand.”

“Speaking of which, how did YOU get here?” Rose says.

He laughs. “Long story actually, but you don’t need to know at the moment. How long as it been since you saw him?”

“Bout 2 months.”

“And...before that?”

“Two years.”

He nods, and finally the elevator creaks open.

When Rose steps out, the first thing she notices is the strange air quality. She struggles to breath properly, and shivers at the massive cold sheets of air sweeping through the damp cement hall.

“Low oxygen. You’ll get used to it.”

Rose looks around as they walk down the hall, the gurney a few feet ahead of them.

“Hang on, this is Torchwood!” She says. “Like, the OLD Torchwood.”

He smiles. “Ya, Didn’t you used to work here last year?”

“Ya I did, but I never got to go underground! I had an office job. Answering telephones and stuff. How long have you been here?”

He flips his wrist and inspects is watch. “Aboooouuutttt.......4 hours.”

She nods. “Ok.”

At the end of the hall they come up to a massive 7 inch thick steel door. Jack flashes a small I.D. card at the scanner, and it slides open.

He offers his arm in flourish at the door.

“Welcome miss Tyler, to Torchwood.”  

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