Ginny, Ron, and Harry

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Chapter 2

Midnight, November 1st 1981.

The Burrow

Fred and George Weasley were only three years old, but they were both troublemakers from the start. After their mum had put them to bed, they had crawled out of bed and back down to the living room. They were more than surprised when they ran into three people sitting there. They didn't seem to be acting out of any normal arrangement, but the twins had never seen the the three of them ever before. They had snuck behind the couch, unnoticed, and listened in on the quiet conversation the three were having.

"I'm just glad the war is over." The man with the messy black hair said into his hands.

"Me two mate." The ginger haired man agreed

"I just wish 'Mione let us go with her to find her parents." the ginger hair woman sighed

"There's no changing Hermione's mind once she is set on something." the red haired man told them

"I just hope that her parents memories can be restored." the woman said with a hint of worry in her voice.

"How are your parents doing?" The black haired man asked the other two "With Fred..."

"My name's Fwed!" the three year old yelled.

The three snapped to attention. They had thought all the others had gone to bed. The woman turned and looked at the twins in their hiding place. The two looked up at her with fear etched on their face. The woman reached over and picked up George.

"George?" she asked. The little boy gave a small nod. "My name is Ginny." she told him

"My sistew's name is Ginny!" Fred exclaimed from his spot, still on the floor. Ginny placed Fred next to her on the couch and picked up Fred and placed him on her other side. The other two men who she was talking to had their jaws open and were just staring.

"This is Ron," Ginny said pointing to the red haired man "And this is Harry." she pointed at the black haired man.

"We have a bwoder named Won too!" George yelled

"Shh..." Ginny held a finger up to her mouth "If your mum and dad wake up, they will want to put you back to bed."

"Is that really Fred?" Ron asked

"I'm Fwed!" Ginny gave him a look that shut him up real quick.

"How the hell did we get here?" Ron muttered

"Don't swear in front of them. They can't be older than three." Ginny scolded

"I'm thwee and so if Georgie." the toddler Fred told them "Won is one and Ginny was born a week ago. Pewcy is five and Charlie is eight and Biww is almost eleven. He's going to Hogwats next yeaw."

"Biww is lucky." George nodded vigorously

"Well if I was born a week ago," Ginny muttered to herself "the it would be the week of the-" she stopped talking suddenly.

"Ginny?" Harry asked warily

Ginny shot up off the couch and ran to the kitchen. The two toddlers waddled after her. They followed the woman who reminded them of their mum and saw that she stopped at the dining room table. She was looking at the previous days paper. Her face was horrified. She took a deep breath and turned to her infant brothers.

"Fred, George," she said sweetly "Can you tell me what day it is?"

"It's Halloween!" they said together. Ginny tried to smile but failed. She rushed back to the two men on the couch.

"Ginny, what's going on? Do you know the date?" Harry asked

"Since I was born on October 24, 1991, that would mean that today is Halloween." Ginny's eyes flicked between the two boys.

"Like the day my parents died?" Harry whispered. Ginny nodded.

"We should find Dumbledore." Harry announced

"What about them?" Ron nodded toward Fred and George who were now sitting at the table, sorting through various sweets that had seemingly appeared out of nowhere.

"We can put them to bed and convince them it was a dream." Ginny said firmly

"Not Obliviate them?" Ron raised his eyebrow

"I don't think we should risk it." Ginny said, deep in thought "Not with minds so young. Especially not with what happened to Lockhart."

Harry and Ron got up out if the two arm chair and each took a twin. They fell asleep in the arm of the strangers. Ginny followed them up the stairs and Harry and Ron placed them into the small beds. A faint cry called through the house. Ginny froze. She knew that if her past parents woke up to tend to the baby, they would surely he caught. She bolted to her room and cradled the crying baby girl in her arms. Harry came in soon after.

"This was before Ron got his own room." Ginny said softly. She was looking at the sleeping baby boy in the city next to hers.

"This is all so trippy." Harry said. "I'm meeting my week old girlfriend. Cute kid." Ginny smirked and placed a kiss on her cheek. The baby Ginny gave out a last pitiful cough and she too went to sleep. Her older self placed her back into her cot and snuck out along with her boyfriend.

Ron met them downstairs and they discussed where to find the dead headmaster.

"Where would he be?" Harry muttered, deep in thought

"Was he there when Hagrid took you to Privet Drive?" Ron asked

"I don't know." he whispered back

(A/N: look don't think too hard. i wrote this forever ago and i liked confusing people. if i don't explain it later it probably doesn't matter. And i think i made ron and ginny irish twins just to include baby ginny in the story idk. i wasn't good at math)

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