James, Lily, and Sirius

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Chapter 3

Midnight, November 1st, 1981

Privet Drive

Petunia Dursley had just had her definition of a perfect day. The epitome of normal. She had just put her baby Dursley to bed and was now just going to pop into the kitchen for a glass of milk. Her husband, Vernon, had already gone to bed and she was just about to join him.

Petunia froze in the doorway to the kitchen. She heard unfamiliar voices in the sitting room.

"Thanks again for inviting us over, Lils." a man said. Petunia recognized the voice. It sounded like her sister's husband's voice. She never much like that bloke but why was he in her house.

"It's no trouble." a woman's voice said. Was that her sister, Lily?

"I'm just glad you didn't leave me stranded." a third voice said. Petunia didn't recognize this voice.

"It would be rather rude of me to invite over my boyfriend and not his best mate." Lily laughed.

"I will do anything to get away from my family so this is a step up from living on the streets like I originally planned." the unknown man joked

"Sirius, you know we would never let that happen." Lily said sternly.

"So kind." the man, Serious?, laughed.

"I'm just glad that Tuney isn't here. She would make this week seem a lot longer. She's staying at Marge's to do some last minute planning for the wedding."

Wedding? What wedding? Petunia certainly was out at her sister-in-law's planning a wedding she wasn't aware of. Petunia got up from the crouch she was hiding in and peeked her head around the corner. Sure enough, it was Lily, her husband and that weird friend who was always hanging around Potter.

Petunia felt outraged. How dare that freak just allow herself into her house along with two of her freak friends. How dare they shove their way into her perfectly normal life.

Petunia burst around the corner, fully ready to yell at her younger sister.

"HOW DARE YOU SHOW UP HERE AFTER WHAT YOU DID IN THAT RESTAURANT!" she shrieked "We told you to stay away from us."

"Petunia I-" Lily froze when she turned to see her sister. Petunia's eyes widened. Her sister looked different. She looked like she was only seventeen.

"Why do you look so weird." Petunia demanded. Lily looked like she was on the verge of tears

"I think she looks beautiful." Potter came to the defense of his wife. He, too, looked younger.

"Oh shut it Potter." Petunia snarled "I'll deal with you later."

"Bloody great first impression" he muttered under his breath.

"Oh I wish we hadn't met." her voice was getting more shrill with each word.

"Petunia, I thought you were staying at Marge's this week." Lily said, biting back the tears that threatened to spill.

"So you thought that would give you permission to break into my house?" she demanded

"Last I checked this was mum and dad's house." Lily said meekly

"They haven't lived here since they died." her sister spat.

Lily's eyes widened and she looked around the room. The decorations were diffrent.

"Evans, what's going on." Sirius was beginning to panic as well.

"Something tells me we aren't in the same time period." Lily brought out her wand and quickly performed a memory charm on her older sister. She stunned her too.

"We have to find out the date." she ordered the two men.

"Lils are you okay?" James asked softly

"No." Lily whispered. She moved away from him asked and looked for a newspaper.

"It's 1981." she told the others

"Not 1978?" Sirius wailed

"Keep your voice down." Lily snapped "We don't want to wake Petunia's husband. I'm assuming it's still Vernon."

"We should find Dumbledore." James suggested. The other two agreed imedeatly.

"The only question is where is he." Sirius muttered darkly

(A/N: So those are the first three chapters! I know they are all kind of into chapters but what can I do? I can't just get to the exciting part immediately! Hope you like it! -Jul)

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