The Battle of Hogwarts

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Chapter 15

Mid day, May 2nd, 1998,


Al was on the outside of the group hug. He couldn't accept that it was over. He had to at least try something. He snuck off away from the others. He pulled the Marauder's Map and invisibility cloak out of Jamie's pocket with ease and he snuck off, draping the cloak over his neck and shoulders. He muttered the keywords and searched for the name 'Harry Potter' on the map. He spotted it by the edge of the map, right before the edge of the forest. If Al ran, he could probably reach him just in time before he died, but that would leave him with no time to do the saving part of the plan.

The first idea that came to Al was apparition. Of course that wouldn't work. He had read Hogwarts:A History. He knew of the ancient protection spells cast on the school to prevent intruders. But they required a lot of magical energy to be diverted to them to keep them strong. Sometimes if you poked through in the right way, you could squeeze through the barriers and apparate short distances. He had a lot of time on his hand when he was at Hogwarts. If everyone here was just casting about a million spells during the battle, then the shields should be weakened and it would be easier for Al to poke through. It was worth a shot at least.

Destination, Deliberation,Determination,

To his surprise, it worked. He landed right on top of Harry, knocking him over in the process. He said a quick sorry and helped him up.

"Al, what are you doing here?" Harry asked irritably

"Look, you can't go in there." Al explained quickly "You'll die, this time for real."

"But we replaced the others of us. Things will change for the future" Harry muttered frantically

"That's why I'm going to do this." Al's face was grim and he said a silent apology "Pertrificus Totalus" he muttered. Herry's body went rigid and fell over. Al took his square glasses off his face and replaced them with Harry's circular ones. Al threw the one of the cloak's over his body to hide him from view, then disappeared into the forest.

'Be dad.' Al thought 'You can do this. Die the hero's death.'



The call rang out around the courtyard and into the damaged walls of the castle. Anyone who was able, shuffled out to see what was going on. Lily was torn between running up the front to beg her father back to life, and hanging back to not accept what she was being told. The only way she got up was being dragged by Jamie. Where was Al?

"Harry Potter is dead. He was killed as he ran away, trying to save himself while you would all fight and die for him. I bring you his body as proof he is gone.

"The battle is won. You have lost half your fighters. My Death Eaters outnumber you greatly, and the Boy Who Lived is gone. The war is won and anyone who continues to resist, be it man, woman, or child, will die quite a painful death, as will every member of their family. Come now and kneel to me, you will live, as will your familia. Join me in the new world we will build together."

Lily's breath hitched in her throat. Harry was lifeless and still in Hagrid's arms. His skin- pale, his glasses- perched messily on his nose, his chest- not daring to rise or fall. No signs of life evident anywhere on the boy's body. Lily had to hold herself from crying out to him. The man who would grow to raise her. She loved him with all her heart. He had read her stories before bed, comforted her when she had nightmares, taught her how to tie her shoes. All mundane things that she missed so dearly, even if he hadn't been gone all that long. She hadn't seen her, of age, father in what felt like a week to her, and now she never would again.

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