Dead or Alive

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Chapter 16

Mid day, May 2nd, 1998,


Lily screamed out in agony. Her best friend since day one was dead. The only person who dared to defend her against James' constant torments and arguments. The only person who knew she was more than a pretty girl with a big mouth.

Lily stared at her brother. She willed him to moved with all her heart. She could have sworn that she saw his finger twitch. That gave her enough hope to fire every healing spell she knew at him, leading so far as to try muggle compressions.

"Luna.' A voice said urgently "Stop. You are going to hurt yourself."

"Dad?" Lily sniffed, momentarily stopping the CPR. No, she had to be imagining it. She went back to trying to resuscitate Albus.

"Yeah Lils, it's me. I need you to stop." the voice said again

"No, I can't stop." Lily countered "He's alive, I know it."

"Lily." The voice persisted

"NO!' she yelled stubbornly "HE'S ALIVE!"

The people outside the dome began to stir. They had so far been almost frozen (Including Voldemort and his Death Eaters) to the spot, but they reacted to Lily screams.

The good side started to make a commotion to figure out who the girl was and what the hell she was doing. Most of the Weasleys had thought that it was Ginny who ran out there. The bad side was sending curse after jinx after curse to try and break the magical barrier. They hadn't had much luck, though, much to Jamie's relief.

"Who is that girl?" Kingsley asked to no one in particular but to everyone at the same time.

"That's Lily." Luna told him "She was trapped in Malfoy Manor with me for a night."

"Is she on our side?" Kingsley demanded

"You should ask Ron. I didn't talk to her much but she did say she knew him."

Ron blushed bright red at the mention of him and being put on the spot like that. He didn't say anything but sort of shrunk behind Hermione.She was quick on her feet and answered for him.

"We met her at shell cottage and she was looking for her family, -her parents, brothers, and uncle- in Ottery St. Catchpole." she almost recited

Jamie stepped forward "I'm one of her brothers. My name is Jamie." he said quietly "I tried to hold her back but she broke away from me. We don't mean any harm. I just want to get out of here."

"Where is the rest of your family?" Kingsley asked. Jamie's eyes flicked to Ginny and Ron.

"My brother is missing, you know where Lily is. My uncle and parents are... at home."

"Can anyone second this?" Kingsley was quite skeptical.

"I can." Ron said "I trust Jamie with my life."

"Ronald!" Hermione scolded "You barely know him."

"No, we had met him before Shell Cottage." Ginny backed up her brother and gave her unborn son a smile.

"What can we do about Lily though? She might get herself hurt." Molly sighed, watching the whole thing with a bit of skepticism.

"This has happened once before," Jamie told them "Someone tried to kidnap her and her powers did something similar with the purple shield," he gestured to the dome "No one was able to break the shield and it wouldn't some down until she had fully calmed."

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