A Short Time Captured

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Chapter 12

Late night, March, 1998,

Malfoy Manor,

Luna was captured that day. She was quite surprised to find that it wasn't her aunt who was the one screaming. Luna guessed it was a muggleborn woman brought there for purely for sport. She felt pity for the woman who they wouldn't let die. Her blood stained the dark tiled floor. She would have fainted if not for the wand jabbed into her back.

Luna was thrown in the cellar where she met two other prisoners. Luna Lovegood, her namesake, a goblin called Griphook, and Ollivander, the old wandmaker. Luna had gotten her wand from Ollivander's shop, however he had retired, and sadly died, long before her eleventh birthday.

"My name is Luna," she said softly "But you can call me Lily."

"Hello Lily" the blonde said happily.

(A/N: Lily Luna will now be called Lily. Sorry for switching it again but I blame J.K. for having repeat names! I can't do it any other way)

"How- how long have you been here?" she stuttered

"A while." she said with mystified smile "Hard to know the days when there is no sunlight."

"Go to sleep." Ollivander said "you are wary and it is needed" Luna obliged and laid down of the hard concrete floor of the dungeons.

Lily awoke to a loud shouting was heard upstairs. No matter was the distance, the yelling was loud and clear.

"-IT HIM OR NOT!" the voice yelled "SPEAK UP BOY AND SAY IT!"

The man must have received a reply from who ever he was yelling.

"WHY THE BLOODY HELL NOT?" his voice quieted but whispers could still be heard from the dungeons.

"...son...defective....Lucius...bloody bastard..." was all that Lily could hear

Shouts of protest that rung out from whoever was involved. Luna heard scraping and a blood curdling scream. Clanking of metal doors. More shouts of protest. More metal clanking and more shouts. Two more people were shoved into the dungeons. Luna went to see who the two were, Lily stayed on the ground and curled into a ball. One of the prisoners was shouting at the bars of the door for them to let him out. The screaming upstairs intensified and then let off. They started again moments later.

"Give it a rest." the second prisoner told the first "They can't hear us." he said in defeat.

"Harry?" Luna asked, coming out of the darkness and into the limited torchlight. "Is that you?" Lily perked up at the mention of her father. She had thought she would never see him again, any age of him.

"Luna?" The boy responded

"Luna, is that Harry Potter?" Lily asked quietly "And Ronald Weasley?"

"How did you know?" The first prisoner, Ron, asked

"I- I've heard the stories." Lily hesitated "It's Hermione Granger upstairs, isn't it?" The two nodded

"Who are you?" Harry asked. Luna felt a few tears slip down her face.

"This is Lily Luna." Luna answered for her.

Lily got up to say hello to the people who she knew would be her ticket back to her brothers. Back to, well, them. Ron clicked his deluminator.

"It's nice to meet you." she said. "I only wish it was under better circumstances."

"It was." Harry said "I've met you before." Al's charm must be wearing off

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