A Quick Promotion

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Update from future Jul, here. This is very out of date. I don't feel like changing it now though. Sorry, I'm kinda lazy. Instead I'm just going to tack on a little message in bold.

Hiya! It's Jul.

First of all, thank you so, so, so, much for all the reads and votes on this story. It means so much to me.

Since you have finished this story by now, how would you like some recommendations?

I have several published stories that you may enjoy, here's a list for you, with something rare: An honest opinion about them!

Cowardice- In which a young girls named May Almer goes through her years at Hogwarts. -Total crap. Steer clear of this monstrosity. I unpublished this. It's still total crap. I tried rewriting it, but then I unpublished that too.

Stolen Time- In which one of Voldemort's favorite Death Eaters makes an almost fatal move causing him to send her away, without her memories. -I'll be honest, not the best. I was still a novice when I wrote it. I think it's okay , but could use a re-write as well to further develop the plot and back story. COMPLETED This story is the exact same. I don't know... I kinda like it.

The next two are just in their infancy, but I really like where they are headed so far.

Teddy and the Marauders- In which Teddy finds himself, as well as with his best friend Victoire, in 1977 for their seventh year, along with the infamous Marauders. -Only three parts so far, I'm writing more. I sort of want to take it down and re-write it (I'm sensing a common theme here...) but I haven't decided yet. Not a baby story, it actually has 67 chapters and a sequel on the way. Quite a good story if you ask me. (I didn't rewrite it)

The Fifteen Year Curse- In which every child in the next generation of the Harry Potter world mysteriously disappear the day of their fifteenth birthday. Follows Albus Severus, Rose, and Scorpius as they find themselves in 1995. -Quite formal writing. So far only three parts published, but again, more being written. Fairly good story line, I think. I know exactly where I want to head with it, compared to Teddy and the Marauders, where I only have a general idea. I'm quite enjoying this story. I put it on hold a while ago. Turns out I have no idea where I'm going with this story. The roles reverse with these two, actually... lol.

There are a couple more stories that I published too.

The Order's Spy- Set at hogwarts during book 7, and follows the story of a girl who was homeschooled until she is in her 7th year and become a spy on the inside for the Order of Phoenix.

and The Dark Side Wins- 30 years after Deathly Hallows, our story tells of a life where the Dark Lord killed Harry Potter and won the Battle of Hogwarts.

It would mean a lot to me if you would read these stories and vote on them. I really work hard on them. Please feel free to read them, and share them among your friends.

Also, go ahead and follow me on Instagram. @fangirls.are.cray is my mostly Harry Potter fandom account and I am on their daily.

That's all, folks.

See ya!


The rest is pretty much the same. Bye everyone.

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