Back to Godric's Hollow

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Chapter 6
Three p.m, July 31st, 1981
Godric's Hollow,

Lily and James Potter had been trying to enjoy a small party for their son's first birthday. Their plans of a small cake and a couple presents were dashed by the sudden appearance of seven people just happening to be in their kitchen. With James' quick reflexes combined with Lily's already alertness and motherly instincts, they had disarmed the intruders within moments. Two more burst through the door and were disarmed by the married couple.

Lily and James' eyes slid over the nine people who had suddenly seen fit to gether in their small home. They all looked similar and familiar. Four of them looked like different versions of each other, all with messy black or brown hair, three of those four also had wire rimmed glasses, they were tall and skinny too. One of the women looked like the other two put into one, with flaming red hair. The last two didn't resemble any of the others as similarly but the redheaded man looked similar to one of the women. the other looked a bit like James' best friend, Sirius. James' and Lily almost even saw themselves in the intruders, almost but not quite.

"Who are you and what are you doing in my house?" James' demanded of them
The redhead who had come to the party late rushed over to the others and taken the small, sleeping, previously unnoticed, child from the arms of one of the four boys. The child stirred but didn't wake up. All the girl said was, "We are terrible babysitters."she shook her head and hugged the little boy to her chest.
"Well?" James' repeated. He felt his sudden rush of anger fade but kept of the charade to seem intimidating.
"I vote James' and Lily explain this one!" One of them exclaimed suddenly.
"How do you know our names?" Lily barked. She had picked up her son with they were taking in the nine.
"I wasn't talking to you." the boy muttered back

Two of them stepped forward warily. The girl stepped in front of the boy who dropped behind her unconfidently. She blurted out something that the young couple couldn't understand. They asked her to repeat it.
"My name is Lily Marie Evans and I time traveled to get here." she said slowly "this is my boyfriend James Charlus Potter."
"You play us for fools?" James deadpanned "You find this funny?"
Lily took a more steady approach, to find something that could prove or disprove the theories being spouted out by the two. "Tell me something only I would know." she ordered
The girl scrunched up her face in thought. "Petunia once sent a letter to Dumbledore asking him if she could go to Hogwarts too. She doesn't know that I know." she bit her lip
"How?" Lily whispered, dumbfounded.
"None of us know." the teenaged Lily shook her head
"Lily, are you for real?" James demanded of his wife "You can't know just by one question."
"You and Sirius fell down a sinkhole during Spring break in your first year. You got badly hurt but you didn't tell your mum how it happened because you thought your mum might kick Sirius out because you weren't supposed to be there." the boy said

It was true. James and Sirius had gone over into the abandoned lot next to the Potter's mansion to play and James fell down the recently formed sinkhole and he landed on his arm. He quite awful bruising and a large gash dancing on his forearm from their escapades. Sirius and james had snuck into the house and up to his parents' bathroom to try and fix it with the magical remedies in their medicine cabinet. James had to wear long sleeves for the remainder of the week just to hide it from his mother.

"Anyone could know that." James brushed them off.
"No." the boy persisted "You told absolutely no one. You were so afraid that your mum would be mad and you didn't want her to throw Sirius out because he had nowhere else to go."
"I remember that." one of the other boys realised
"Who are the others?" Lily asked the supposed time travelers
"Well, three generations of Potters." younger Lily said with an uneasy laugh
"My name is Harry." one if the nine stepped forward "Harry James Potter."

Lily's eyes flicked from the baby in her arms to the boy in front of her. The boy had so many scars. He grew up in a war and was obviously badly hurt during it.

"I- are you really my baby boy?" she sniffed
The boy nodded.

The group of nine, and the small child in one of the girls' arms, began to fade. Both in colour and opacity.

"You're fading from view..." James said, his mouth agape
"We must be traveling through time again, we usually don't realise it while it happens." the younger James shrugged.
"Obliviate!" one of them yelled
"Why did you do that, Al?" teenage Lily asked
"We cannot have you remembering this." he said bluntly "I did the same to them at Grimmauld."

The young couple had fully faded from view.

"We need to find what time we are in." Al sighed
"Might as well. Haven't got anything better to do.' Luna rolled her eyes
"NINETEEN SEVENTY-SEVEN!" Sirius yelled "Prongs, Evans, we're home!"
"How has there been a newspaper conveniently nearby everyplace we've been?" Luna whispered to Ginny
"Maybe it's apart of whatever curse is dragging us along these random time jumps." Ginny shrugged
"Prongs, we have to go find Moony and Wormtail!" Sirius was almost screaming in the face of his mate

Luna noticed Harry's jaw clenched and fist formed at the name of his parents' betrayer.
"Don't do anything." Ginny said only loud enough for him to hear. Harry didn't move

"We have to find them before we travel again." Sirius yelled frantically.
James hesitated. He looked to Harry, Ginny and Ron to see what they thought.
"I wouldn't mind seeing Remus." Harry shrugged. Sirius grinned from ear to ear and skipped out of the small house.

"Is baby Remus okay?" Ginny asked Luna. Luna looked down at the sleeping baby in her arms. His hair was slowly shifting in between platinum blonde like his mother's and sandy brown like his father's natural hair.
"I think he's a bit shaken. I'm surprised he's okay after all that time alone in the crumbling house." Luna shook her head sadly.
"How old is he?" Harry asked
"He's only a year old." Al answered for Luna.

"Where would we find them?" Sirius whined
"What's the matter, Padfoot?" Ron teased "You sick of us already?"
"Yes." Sirius deadpanned. He transformed into his animagus form and trotted down the street. The rest of them followed afterwards.
"We're just assuming you all know about Padfoot, Moony, Prongs, and Wormtail.." James smirked and put his arm around Lily.
"Where are we even going?" Al asked the three of the time.
"To find Moony and Wormtail." Sirius switched into human form and answered stubbornly.
"Where were you when you were last here?" Al asked James
"My mum's place." Lily answered
"I think that's where we should go next." Harry said
"How the hell do you know what we're supposed to do?" Sirius growled
"Harry is the only one here who purposefully time traveled."Ron defended him
"Why the hell would you volunteer for something like this?" Jamie cried
"One, I blame Hermione; two, it was only a couple of hours; three, it was to save your life, Sirius."
"Oh! I remember you telling us that." Jamie realised loudly
"Shut up, Jamie." Luna said irritably
"Don't start something with me Luna." he grumbled back
"No. I don't want you to wake Remus." she rolled her eyes at her oldest brother.

"Where were you when you disappeared?" Ginny ignored her fighting children
"We were in Surrey. Little Whinging to be exact." Lily said
"Let me guess," Harry laughed "Number 4 Privet Drive?"
"How did you know? Have you been there?" Lily asked, eyes wide.
"Been there? I grew up there." he replied with a smirk

(A/N: Hello!! I am so excited that school is out now. I don't know if that will mean I can update more but it does mean I feel less stressed. I have myself booked for about half of the days of the winter holidays though so who knows? -Jul)

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