Leaving Shell Cottage

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Chapter 13

Early Morning, March, 1998,

Shell Cottage,

Lily helped Fleur as much as she could for the rest of the day. Though Fleur would not let her stand for extended periods of time, she was more than happy to aid by folding linens, scrubbing stains, organising bandages by size, anything of the like. She was willing to do anything to keep her mind off of her situation. She couldn't help but think that her brothers would insist on storming Malfoy Manor to go and rescue her. She had begged Bill to lend her some parchment to write a short note to them so they wouldn't worry. Bill conceded and she wrote the letter but kept it short, sweet, and cryptic should it be intercepted. It read,

Al, Jamie, and company,

How are you all? I, myself, am doing quite well. I met a nice family who has agreed to tend to me for the night. I cannot wait until I see you all tomorrow for lunch. I hope you aren't planning any excursions any time soon. It looks like rain is near and I don't want any of you getting sick.

With lots of love,

Your sister.

P.S. remind me to tell you of the funny story I have of our uncle.

Lily hadn't signed her name. She felt they would know by that. She tied the note to the leg of the owl and released it out the window. She was more than surprised to see that it had returned not a half hour later with quite a thick reply. It had seemed that almost every member of the group had taken it upon themselves to write individual letters.

Lily read them all with care.


I am so glad to hear from you. I miss you terribly. I feared something awful had come up. Will you be here for breakfast tomorrow? I really look forward to hearing of your travels. I can't wait to hear about uncle though.

-Your brother

Dear L.L.P,

Miss you terribly. I can't wait to see you. These people better treat you right, or else I might have to have a word with them. I will be waiting by the door for you.


To: Luna

How was your journey so far? I miss your cooking. We are all pretty hungry over here. You should make us your pancakes again! I really do miss you though.

From: Ron

Lily Luna,

You better be in full health when you get here. I will not have my daughter being hurt whenever she's away from me. You mean a great deal to me, you know? It broke my heart when you had to leave.

Love, Mum.


Come back, we miss you.


Her father never really was one for words.

"What did the owl bring?" Bill asked her

"Replies from my family." Lily said with a smile

"That's good. They know you are safe then?"

"It would seem so. I was just afraid that they would do something rash to try and save me." she added a little laugh

"Can I ask you how you ended up there?" Bill was serious and concerned.

"A series of unfortunate events." Lily sighed "I'm just shocked that they didn't kill me."

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