Burned Alive

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Chapter 9

7 a.m. July 31st, 2024.

Malfoy Manor

Al rung the bell, once, twice, three times, before Scorpius opened the door.

"God, Al!" Scorp rubbed his eyes "It's 7 in the morning, not that i'm not glad to see you, but couldn't you have waited until the sun was fully up?"

Al pulled him into a hug.

"I missed you Scorp" he muttered

"Gee Al, I missed you too but it hasn't been that long." he laughed

"You know a Malfoy?" Ron yelled with obvious outrage.

"Er- yeah, kinda." Al said sheepishly

"Kinda?" the young Malfoy repeated in disbelief "Really Al?"

"They only know your grandfather." Al whispered to his friend.

"Well then." the blond conceded "Well, come on in. Father's away right now and mother is still on bedrest so they shouldn't care too much that you're here." Scorpius led them into the living room.

"How's your mum doing?"Jamie asked casually

"The healer said that she can't be on her feet at all for at least another week but he said it might be up to a month."

"Would someone tell me what's going on" Ron pleaded

"My name is Scorpius Malfoy." he stuck his hand out to the ginger

"Ronald Weasley." he said uneasily, shaking his hand.

Scorpius just stared at him. "Is he for real?"

"If I explained it, you wouldn't understand."

"That made literally no sense."

"Just trust me Scorp." Al begged

"Fine but you owe me." Scorpius sighed "What do you need?"

Luna said "Floo network."

"Sure no problem. Accio Floo Powder." he handed the little jar to Jamie "Where are you going?"

"When we tried to apparated to Godric's Hollow we ended up here." Luna said, walking into the unlit fireplace. "Godric's Hollow!" she yelled. A flame built up around her body but it wasn't the traditional green flame you would come to expect with floo powder, no, it was a bright red flame, a red to rival the Weasley's hair.

Luna's ear piercing scream bit through the silent air of the secluded Malfoy Manor. The boys and Ginny tried everything they could think of to get rid of or lesser the flame, everything from 'Aguamenti' to 'Reducio.' Nothing happened.Al bit back a cry of his own as he watched his sister be almost burned to death. A trickle of deep red liquid flowed out of the base of the ornate marble fireplace. Al begged in his mind that it wasn't blood. He knew he was wrong but he sincerely hoped that he was wrong about being wrong. Al buried his face in Scorpius' chest and Scorp held him there in a tight embrace.

James had fallen to his knees and kept his eyes glued to the fire. Hi face twisted in horror. Luna's screams echoes for what seemed like forever. The flamed fanished just as quickly as they had come. Luna body toppled out of the fireplace and fell into Jamie's arms.

"Lily!" he cried "She still breathing! Someone get help." Jamie flipped her over and looked over her burns. They didn't look too bad. They were concentrated on her inner arms to her upper chest and neck. A large gash was open and bleeding from her jawline to just above  her armpit. Most of her clothes were singed and in tatters.

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