Malfoy Manor

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Chapter 10

8:30 a.m. July 31st, 2024.

Malfoy Manor

Al, Luna, Jamie, Ron, Ginny, and Harry waited anxiously for an hour for Scorpius to return. They were happy to know that Scorpius didn't just end up at the end of the drive, but they couldn't help worry that something might have happened on the other end of the teleport.

When Scorpius finally did return, he was joined by a medium height woman with bushy brown hair pushed back into a ponytail, revealing her face and showing of her big brown eyes. Her face held a stern expression that was teeming with worry.

Hermione walked up the drive with Scorpius right on her tails. She was taken aback by the three time travelers but tried not to show it on her face. Scorpius had told her about the three but she hadn't expected him to be right.

"Well hello." she said to the three "Long time since I've seen you."

"What?" Ron said panicked "You don't know us in the future?" Hermione laughed

"Quite the opposite really. I saw you not an hour ago." Ron was visibly relieved "I take it you don't know who you're married to?" Hermione moved over to Luna to check her burns.

"Well I was kind of hopping you..." Ron mumbled, barely audible. His face was flushed bright red. Hermione laughed again. Ginny covered her mouth and Harry smirked. Al, James, and Luna shared a glance.

"Who'd he marry?" Harry pushed the subject

"I don't know."  Hermione couldn't wipe the smile off her face. She finished her examination of Luna and congratulated Scorpius for his quick work in healing.

"Thanks Mrs.Weasley." he beamed. He quickly covered his mouth, realising he ruined the joke.

"So I do marry you?" Ron smiled

"Who knows, Ron. You do have four viable brothers." Ginny said, trying to swallow a couple of laughs. Ron flushed again.

"Honestly, Ronald." Hermione scolded playfully "You are so gullible."

"I'm confused." he mumbled

"Ron, I am married and have two children. Rose, who's a year above Al, and Hugo, in Lily's year. And yes, I did marry you." she rolled her eyes at her husband's idiocy. He responded with a sheepish smile. "All that I can say is that Lily will be fine."

"Call me Luna for now Aunt 'Mione?" Luna asked. Hermione raised her eyebrow but obliged nonetheless

"Where have you been up until now?" she asked the lot of them

They wrote it down on a list for her

-1981 Burrow, Godric's Hollow, Hogwarts, Grimmauld

-1995 Grimmauld

-Early 1981 Godric's Hollow

-1978 Privet Drive

-2024 Privet Drive, Malfoy Manor

"Wow." was all Hermione could say "So you met your parents, Harry?"

"More than that." he mumbled "They sort of joined us up until 1978."

"So that's why you thought you were home." she muttered to herself

"What happens if we travel back again?" Ron asked quietly. His eyes were glued to the floor. "To 1998." he added

Hermione paled, she had nightmares about that day up until even now. Her fingers trailed to the scar on her arm covered by the sleeve of her blouse

"I don't know." she whispered "My guess is your sightseeing tour is over though."

"You're fading!" Scorpius screamed, panicked.

"Well that means we're leaving!" Luna said in mock excitement.

Al and Scorpius shared a quick hug before the six time travelers completely disappeared.

The two familiar and friendly faces were replaced by an empty room echoed with screams.

"I jinxed it." Ron whined under his breath "We're in 1998. I knew it."

he was quieted by five angry mutters of "Shut up"

"Do we have the cloaks?" Harry whispered frantically

"Yes, but they won't cover us completely" Luna hissed back

"Yeah, we'd be a bunch of disembodied feet." Ron added "And it's not like it's night where we can just blend in." he thought back to the time in Hogsmeade.

"Do any of you know how to do a disillusionment charm?" he asked hopefully

"It's not very good." Al shook his head "Only lasts a couple of minutes. It's a hard spell."

The screams subsided, but only for a minute, they started up again.

"Harry, what if we called Dobby?" Ron asked, hopefully. "That's how we got out the first time, right?"

"If you do that, he won't be able to go and save you the first time." Luna pointed out. "It's not like he's time traveling with us."

"Do you know everything Harry did?" Ron raised his eyebrow

"What can I say?" Luna shrugged "Uncle Ron likes telling stories." she added a quick smirk

"What about Pod's father?" Jamie suggested. This raised confusion with the older three.

"Who's Pod?" Ginny asked

"Our house-elf." Jamie answered quickly "What was his father's name?" he asked his siblings.

"Um, it started with a 'K' I think." Luna wracked her brain

"Kreacher!" Al said a bit louder than he meant to.  A bit of shuffling was heard outside the closed door but it was mostly muffled by the ongoing screaming. "Call him" he urged his father.

"Kreacher!" Harry hissed in a loud whisper.

With a crack, the aged house elf appeared in from of them.

"What can Kreacher do for Master Potter?" he drawled

"Kreacher, we need to get out of here." Harry said urgently "Can you take the six of us to- where should we go?" he asked the others. "It's not like we can go to anywhere we've been before. Not with the war."

"The Burrow." Ginny said "My family would be a Muriel's right now so it would be empty."

"Kreacher can you take us to the Burrow?"

The house-elf gave a nod and grabbed hold of the writs of Ron and James. They disappeared with a crack. He returned moments later with another crack. This time he took Ginny and Al. When he came back the last time, the screaming had subsided. The loud noise was heard by the Death Eaters outside the doors. They burst through the door.

"Harry Potter!" the death eater, Avery, cried. Panic laced on the face of both father and daughter.

"Kreacher! Go!" Harry screamed. Kreacher obeyed wordlessly and grabbed his wrist, he reached for Luna, she did the same, but she was too far. Kreacher apparated away before he had made contact with the girl.

They were gone. The Death Eaters screamed out profanities and a few spells. Luna didn't know what half of them did but she did know one thing; Kreacher couldn't come back for her.

She was trapped.

And kidnapped by Death Eaters.

In a time that isn't her own.

With people unfamiliar to her.

She knew this had to be her death sentence.

(A/N: I must hate Luna. Second bad thing that has happened to her in two chapters. But hey, she is related to Harry Potter, after all. He was never the luckiest. Anyway, how is your Christmas Eve going so far? Mine is pretty lazy. My mum is watching movies and my sister is on her laptop, so am I. I don't know where my Dad is though. I might get you another chapter today but I make no promises! -Jul)

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