Life Changing

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Chapter 14

Early afternoon, March, 1998,

The Burrow,

When Harry woke up, he was disoriented. Someone was yelling at him and he heard screaming in the background. Sobbing too. He couldn't seem to see anything either.

"Harry, where are your glasses?" a woman asked. Harry tried to place the voice but couldn't. It was familiar but lost at the same time. He felt something in his pocket. His glasses. He shoved them onto his face. The woman who was speaking to was Hermione. Harry didn't remember her being with them time traveling.

"I thought you had gone to the forest" she sounded relieved and pulled him into a hug. Over her shoulder, he saw Ron. He looked just as confused as he felt.

"He's going now." he said softly

"What? Harry, you can't. You'll die!" Hermione begged

Harry finally caught on. He was in Hogwarts, during the battle of Hogwarts. They had replaced their other bodies. All he had to do was play along with how things went originally so he didn't change anything.

"I have to Hermione." he said slowly, trying to remember what happened the first time. "You kill the snake. That's all that's left."

"Oh, Harry." Hermione sobbed. She pulled him into another hug. "I'll miss you." she whispered. Harry pulled away and looked to Ron. Unlike the first time, Harry gave Ron a hug too. He had to deliver a message to him.

"Find Ginny, Luna, Jamie, and Al. Keep them safe and I will see you soon." he whispered

"Good luck, mate" Ron whispered back.

Harry pulled away from the two. He put on the invisibility cloak and disappeared into the crowd of people mourning the dead.

Ginny appeared moments later, frantic and scared.

"Ron, are you-" he nodded wordlessly. Hermione gave the two a funny look "Oh, thank Merlin. Where's Harry?"

"He went the forest." Ron said quietly. Ginny's eyes widened in panic.

"Why?" she whispered

"The horcrux." Ron explained "Play things out like they originally happened."

"No, no, no, no." Ginny shook her head furiously. "Ron, we aren't in our old bodies. We replaced them."

"How do you know?" Ron demanded

"This scar." Ginny pointed to a thin line that stretched across her hand. "I got this while fighting Bellatrix. That hasn't happened yet."

"We have to find Luna, Jamie, and Al."

"What the bloody hell is going on?" Hermione demanded. You know she was serious because she isn't one to swear.

"Look, Hermione, Harry doesn't need to go to the forest." Ginny explained quickly

Hermione was speechless "But the horcrux." she breathed

"Already gone." Ginny shook her head "We need to find three people, Jamie, Al, and Luna. They are in serious danger right now."

"What do they look like?" Hermione asked helpfully

"Well, Luna, not Lovegood, looks a bit like me, Jamie and Al look a bit like Harry." Ginny started toward the Great Hall. That's where most of the people were do it was her best hope.

Ginny walked past her grieving family. She ignored their calls to go to them and instead, looked for her unborn children.

"Lily!" Hermione called suddenly. A girl looked over and rushed to them.

"I'm so glad you're all okay." she smiled

"This is the Luna you were talking about?" Ginny nodded

"You know her?"

"We met her a month ago, Ron, Harry, and I." Hermione confirmed

"Where's Harry?" Lily asked. Ginny didn't answer.

"Oh, hello Lily Luna." Luna Lovegood said sadly "Did you end up finding you brothers, parents, and uncle?"

"I did, thank you Luna." Lily gave her a sad smile.

"I'm glad." she gave a pitiful sigh "I have to go find Neville, have any of you seen him?"

"No, sorry." Luna nodded and walked away. She ended up being distracted by someone who needed her healing abilities.

"Where are James and Al?" Ginny asked Lily

"They were looking for Harry." Lily rubbed her eyes "I forgot to tell them you're here. Wait, where is Harry?"

"He went to the forest." Ginny whispered.

"Then why the hell are we just standing around?" Luna roared "We have to go find him!"

The mostly silent, Great Hall all looked to the angry redhead. Ginny tried her  best to quiet her, but she was yelling profanities like there was no tomorrow. There was no tomorrow for her. Lily knew what was going on even without any explanation from Ginny or Ron.

Hermione, however, was completely in the dark. All she seemed to know was that Ron and Ginny weren't the two who were there minutes ago. She had understood that there was something unsaid between the three of them. She wasn't quite sure what, or why, but she knew something.

Ginny had lost hope. She knew they were too late. They couldn't save Harry. Their only hope was that Neville would kill the snake and someone could hit Voldemort from the back. They still had hope, but the next year wouldn't be the same as it was the first time around. Lily, James, and Al wouldn't be there either. She was glad she had this time with them, but she would miss them.

Seeing Lily's outburst, Al and James ran over. They understood that something was bad. They weren't quite sure what but they didn't want to ask, in case it would upset their sister even more. They sort of realised that it had to do with Harry, seeing as he wasn't there. Knowing what decade they were in, he was either dead, or as good as. They didn't exist any more. There was no tomorrow.

The five sunk to the ground in a group hug, all crying on each other. Hermione was on the outskirts of the group, trying to comfort the two that she knew well, but not exactly knowing why. She guessed it was for Harry, and let out a few tears of her own.

A lot of the groups gathered in the Great Hall were looking at the bunch, but most were grieving on their own. One such group was the rest of the Weasleys. They had lost their brother and son today and it had murdered their souls. They were crying shamelessly among their peers.

Some of the Order of the Phoenix members were going around, trying to make sense of everything that had happened. As much as they didn't want to admit it, they were doing as Voldemort had suggested; tending to the wounded and disposing of the dead.

Madam Pomphrey was running around like a chicken with her head cut off, trying to triage everyone and sort to those who needed it most. She was trying to quickly diagnose what was needed and tell those nearby so they could do it and she could move on.

Members of Dumbledore's Army were everywhere. Some were mourning, some were comforting those mourning, some were helping the healers, some were trying to clear up some of the rubble. All of them had sullen faces and didn't dare say a word.

Ginny was listening to everything going on around her. Her eyes were clamped shut but she still knew what was going on around her. She kept her eyes closed but her ears open, waiting for those words, those small four words, that would change her life completely.


(A/N: Hello! I am back! I had literally zero writers block for this chapter so that is why you get another one so quickly, I guess. However, I am exhausted now and I can guarantee no more updates today. I am off to bed. Sorry for the cliff hanger but that's life! Might as well leave you in a bit of suspense. See ya later! -Jul)

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