All Over the Place

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Chapter 8

Unknown time, unknown date, unknown year,

Number 4 Privet Drive

Luna was once again the first to wake up. She was always a morning person. It took her a moment to realise where she was though. She was in Privet drive. Yes, with her time traveling family. Her mum, dad, uncle, and brothers, and little baby Remus who was still cuddled up in her arms.

She bolted upright at the sound of a key being turned in the lock. She grabbed the two invisibility cloaks that they still had and threw one over Al and Jamie and the other over Harry and Ginny. She took the throw blanket she had used overnight and threw it overtop of Ron, hiding him from view. Finally, she hid behind the couch and waited. She clutched Remus to her chest, for once she was quite thankful with how much this kid like to sleep.

The door opened and something like three sets of feet came through the door. Luna knew of about three people of who it could be. It would all depend on the time period.

"Dudley!" a shrill female voice called. The woman was walking through the doorway, toward the kitchen. "Can you fetch the post while you're there dear."

Heavy feet lumbered after the woman along with a second pair of smaller feet.

"Daddy, can you take me into London tomorrow to get my school supplies?" a young voice asked

"I don't know, Daisy." a man replied "You'd have to ask your mother. Your Gran and Gramps are coming over for dinner tomorrow so your mum might need some help in the kitchen."

"It'll only be an hour though!" the girl, Daisy, pleaded "You don't even have to come with me, you can just drop me off."

"I'm not answering that until I talk to your mother." the man repeated "Now go unpack your suitcase."

Two feet ran up the stairs and a door slammed.

"I swear, she's the only kid on the entire block who actually wants to go back to school next week." the man laughed.

Luna peered from her hiding spot. She saw her dad's cousin, Dudley, and his wife, Winifred. Luna felt Remus stir in her arms. He opened his little mouth and started to wail. Luna did the only thing she could think of and whipped out her wand. She muttered a quick 'Silencio' and Remus continued crying but with no sound this time. But it was too late. Her time travel companions were starting to stir. She peeked around the couch and saw bits of Jamie and Al peeking out from behind the cloak and GInny's disembodied leg was hanging off the loveseat. Ron was starting to fidget from underneath the blanket too. Dudley and Winifred started from the kitchen toward the noise that Remus had made. Luna cursed to herself that she didn't know a disillusionment charm.

She peered over again and once she got a clear shot of her relatives she hit them with two simple stunners and jumped to her feet. The only thing she needed to know now was how old Daisy was so she could know the year. Her time traveling relative still hadn't woken up completely though. Luna found that a bit odd. Al was a bit of a light sleeper, so were her mum and dad. Jamie could sleep through anything though.

Luna got up and looked at some of the photos decorating the hallway. She saw Daisy as a newborn, Daisy at five, Daisy celebrating her eleventh birthday, and the last photo had Daisy on platform 9 ¾ when she was 14. Luna was two years older than Daisy and since she was 17 herself that meant they were in the right time. Elated by the news, she sprinted over to the sleeping five and shook them all awake.

"Wake up! Wake up!" she cried "Al, Jamie, wake up!" Al jolted awake and screamed. Luna clamped her free hand over his mouth.

"What is wrong with you?" she hissed.

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