The Inhabitants of Grimmauld

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Chapter 6

Noon, December 25th, 1995,

Number 12, Grimmauld Place.

Seven Weasleys (Charlie was in Romania and Percy is a git), Sirius Black, Remus Lupin, Hermione Granger, and Harry Potter, had gathered in the large living room at Grimmauld Place. They were all quite distressed to see that in the group of nine facing them, there was another Ginny, Ron and Harry, and about three more of them looked a lot like Harry. On top of that, the two girls remaining looked almost identical and the last boy looked alarmingly like Sirius. One of the girls stepped forward with a big smile.

"Um, hello." she hesitated " I just wanted to say that, well, there is no easy way to say this. My name is, well you might react a little weird when I say this but you have to know I'm not who you think I am, but-"

"Get on with it!" Jamie ordered, obviously annoyed.

Luna took a deep breath and turned to her brother. Her eyes shot a stone cold glare at him.

"James, Fucking, Potter." Luna said, deathly calm. "I am at my last straw with you. I was literally just about to say my name but you just had to come in and put your nose where it doesn't belong. YOU CAN JUST SHUT YOUR TRAP AND LET ME GET ON WITH IT. I'VE HAD IT WITH YOU."

"Lily, calm down." James said softly

"NO. I WILL NOT CALM DOWN." she screamed at the other James "We are lost and helpless and all I want to do is run to my mother but, oh wait, I can't. You wanna know why? WE TIME TRAVELED AND I JUST WANTED TO TELL THEM THAT BUT YOU HAD TO INTERUPT ME, DIDN'T YOU. BOTH OF YOU."  Luna took another deep breath and turned back to the people of this time.

"I'm sorry for my outburst, but James Potter will be the death of me." she said with a calm face.

"James Potter?" Sirius said with his eyes wide

"Did you really time travel?" the Ginny of the time asked in a small voice

"Yes." her time traveling counterpart answered "Harry, Ron, and I came from 1998."

"James? James Potter?" Sirius said again

"Yes and no," Luna said "The James I was yelling at was not Prongs." Jaime opened his mouth to argue but Luna shut him up with another glare. "But he is James Potter."

"James Sirius Potter." Sirius whispered to himself "You're not Evans, are you?" he asked her. Luna shook her head.

"Do you remember?" Luna's eyes darted from the middle aged Sirius to the teenaged one, who had, surprisingly,remained silent the whole time.

"You were in Godric's Hollow that night." he muttered

"You don't remember time traveling?" Al raised his eyebrow

"Albus Severus." Sirius muttered

"What  are you muttering about, Sirius?" Molly Weasley demanded

"I know who those three are." he pointed to Luna, Jaime and Al. "That's James, Lily, and Al Potter"

"You do realise that's just going to confuse everyone, right?" the younger Sirius smirked

Older Sirius rolled his eyes. "Introduce yourselves then."

"Sirius is right," Luna started "I think the oldest should start first." Jamie started to step forward. "I meant by birth year." she offered him an apologetic smile.

The other James stepped forward. "My name is James Charlus Potter. My parents are Charlus and Dorea Potter." his eyes flicked to the older Remus and Sirius. The two stared right back.

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