Grimmauld Place

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Chapter 5
Just after dawn, November 1st, 1981
Number 12, Grimmauld place.

"How do you know about this place?" Sirius demanded of Harry.
"Grimmauld place was left to me." he said simply "After my godfather passed away." he added with a whisper.
"Who was your godfather? Regulus?" Sirius rolled his eyes
"No..." Harry trailed off

"I think we should all get some sleep."Ginny suggested, steering the conversation away from her boyfriend's obvious discomfort. "Everyone find a bedroom and you can sleep there."
"Sirius, you can have first pick, seeing as this is your childhood home." Ron sighed
"Do you know me?" Sirius asked Harry, Ron and Ginny.
"Yes." Harry didn't continue beyond that. He walked out of the sitting room where they were gathered and into the kitchens. Ginny followed shortly after. Ron shuffled off to go find a bedroom. Al, Luna, and jaime did the same.

"Who do you think they are?" Sirius asked Lily and James."Like to us?"
"I don't know." Lily rubbed her eyes "They certainly know you. And this house. Is this your childhood home?" Sirius nodded.
"I hated this place." Sirius muttered "That's why I lived with Prongs all the time. Dorea Potter is more of a mother to me than Walburga Black ever will be. I'm just curious as to where she is now."
"She's dead!" a shrill painting yelled at them. "They're all dead you good for nothing blood-traitor!" Sirius paled but tried not to let it show.
"I'm going to bed." he muttered
James looked to Lily before following him out.

Lily yawned and sat down. She rubbed face in her hands.
"Harry's fine." Ginny said, coming back into the room. "He's just having a hard day. We all are, really."
"Have you met me before?" Lily asked suddenly
"I- no. I haven't met you before." Ginny stuttered
"But you've met Sirius?" Lily clarified
"Once or twice." Ginny lied easily
"Have you met James?" Ginny shook her head "Can I ask why?"
"Later." Ginny said firmly "Now, we sleep."
"Fair enough." Lily yawned again. The pair shuffled up the stairs and fell asleep as soon as their heads hit the pillow.

The first to wake up, was Luna. She woke up at about noon. She had fallen asleep in the same room as Ginny and Lily. Luna had gone to the kitchens and was preparing pancakes for herself and the others. All she could really think was 'Thank you Grandma Molly for teaching me how to cook.'

Harry was the next to come down. He quite enjoyed Luna's cooking but didn't really say much. Nothing, in fact. He just sat there eating. Luna had liked the comfortable silence. She was quite sad when Jaime stomped downstairs. making quite a lot of noise.
"James, would you shut up." Luna snapped
"I'm not saying anything!" Jaime exclaimed
"But you're making a crap ton of noise." Luna growled
"Both of you shut it!" Harry yelled "Do you two fight like this all the time?"
"Yeah, pretty much." Al answered for them. He had just come from upstairs, having just woken up, himself.
"How do you live with these two?" Harry asked him
"They're fine on their own, but together they are a bloody nightmare." Al rolled his eyes
Harry handed Al a plate of pancakes.
"They are really good." Harry mumbled in between bites
"Yeah, Grandma taught her how to cook."
"Morning." Ron mumbled from the doorway to the dining room.
"Here, mate." Harry handed him a plate, as well.
"Thanks." Ron rubbed his eyes and sat down beside Jamie.

"Ron!" A yell came from upstairs."Ron, come quick! It's Ginny!" Ron bolted out of his chair, half knocking it over in the process, and ran up the stairs. James followed suit, seeing as it was Lily yelling.

"Should I go too?" Harry asked Luna, worried.
"I'm sure she's fine. You can help me dishes, in the meantime, though." Luna shrugged.
Harry gave a quick nod and started to gather the plates.

"What are you doing in my house?" Sirius' voice demanded
"We've been over this, Sirius." Al rolled his eyes. He started helping Harry with the dishes. "Don't be such a drama queen. That's Jaime's job."
"Hey!" his brother exclaimed
"Could both of you stop." Luna sighed. "Sirius, do you want any pancakes?" Luna looked up to see a wand pointed directly at her throat. "Sirius, put that darn thing down." she rolled her eyes. She looked up at Sirius, but saw something was wrong. Sirius looked a lot older and a hell of a lot more disheveled. They had been thrown through time again.

Luna's eyes widened and darted to a paper that was lying on the table next to her. 'December 25th 1995." it read. 1995, that was the year that her mum's family lived in Grimmauld place, that meant her dad would be here too.

"I need to speak to Harry Potter!" she blurted quickly. This caught her brothers' and Harry's attention. They snapped into focus seeing the older Sirius pointing his wand at Luna. The older Sirius just glared at the seventeen year old.
"Harry, do you know these people?" Sirius looked past Luna, to Harry. Luna whipped her head around to one of her time traveling companions. She no longer saw the Harry who had introduced himself to her by the shrieking shack, but an eighteen year old version of her father.
"You're Harry Potter?!" she roared, completely forgetting the wand pointed at her. Luna's brothers were just as dumbfounded as she was and were just staring at him.

Harry just offered a sheepish nod.
"And you didn't think to tell me?" Luna roared again. Harry just sort of cowered behind Al. "You know who I am, why wouldn't you tell me who you are?"
"Lils," Jaime tried to calm her
"Don't you start with me, Jaime Potter!" she snapped
"Lils," James repeated with a more firm tone.
"We trusted you and you didn't think to tell me?!" she yelled at Harry.
"Harry, what the hell is going on?" Sirius demanded.
"Sirius, this may be hard for us to explain, but could you get everyone here to gather in the dining room in, say, 20 minutes?" Harry tried to ignore the death glares being shot his way from Luna.

Suddenly, Luna's eyes widened.
"Al," she whispered "The charms are wearing off." Jamie and Al were now standing in front of her, looking everything like their usual selves.
"It'll all be fine Lily." Al reassured her

The Sirius of the current time zone had shuffled out before the wearing off of all the charms. He had run up the stairs and started knocking on all the bedroom doors. Arthur had gotten back from the hospital earlier than originally planned so the rest of them had all gone to bed.
"Everyone downstairs in fifteen minutes!" he yelled "In the dining room!"

Ginny and Hermione had just come from the washroom with toothpaste still on their faces.
"Sirius, what's wrong?" they asked in unison, seeing Sirius' concerned face.
"I'm not entirely sure, but it has to do with Harry." he muttered before moving on to other rooms.

A scream echoed out from the girls' bedroom. The two shared a quick glance and burst out into a sprint toward the room with Sirius right on their tails. The door knob was locked. Hermione shook it with great force until the latch broke of. The screaming had just subsided. Hermione saw Ginny lying on her bed, thrashing. But she looked different, older, and more scared. Ron was beside her with another boy and girl standing by her bedside. Ron cradled Ginny's unconscious body, and picked her up, bridal style.
"We should get her to Harry." he muttered "She calms him so it might work the reverse."
His eyes darted away from his increasingly pale sister to the doorway where Hermione, time period Ginny, and time period Sirius were all standing dumbfounded and unmoving. Ron's eyes widened and he picked up the pace pushing past the three. Lily and James followed close behind, hand in hand. James couldn't help but trail his eyes on the old padfoot. They all rushed down the stairs while Ron yelled out to his best mate.

"Harry! We have a problem!" he cried. He ran down the last few stairs and placed Ginny on the dining room table. She had started thrashing and screaming again.
"Can you calm her down?" Ron asked frantically.
"Wait!" Luna screamed "If you're Harry Potter, then she's Ginny Weasley! I know how to calm her!" Harry and Ron just gave her a look that all but screamed 'HOW?!?'
"Harry, stroke her hair." Luna ordered. Harry looked a little awkward but followed her orders anyway.
"Jaime, you've seen dad do this. You calm her." Luna ordered her brother. Jaime nodded and crouched down beside his teenage mother. He whispered some things in her ears. She calmed right down. She slowly gained consciousness and when she did, she wrapped her arms around Harry's neck.

"He was back- and you were dead- again- and the snake-" Ginny rambled on
"It's fine, you're safe. I won't let him hurt you again." Harry mumbled into her hair.
"How did you know what to do?" Ron asked Luna quietly
"Mum suffers from PTSD from time to time." Luna answered just as quietly

"Ronald?" Hermione said softly "What the hell is going on?"
"Bloody hell, Hermione." Ron muttered "Can you just wait until the others are here, please? It'll be easier that way."
"You had better do some quick explaining then." Hermione growled. She turned her back and stomped out to the living room. Ginny lingered in the doorway. Her eyes were glued to her older self.

"It'll be okay, Ginny." Harry said. He had said it to both of them.

(A/N: you two odd people who are reading this are amazing! I just wanted to say thank you for voting on all the other parts because it makes me feel really good about this story. I hope you like it so far! -Jul)

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