Albus Dumbledore

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Chapter 4

Just before dawn, November 1st, 1981


The three groups had agreed that the best place to find the headmaster of Hogwarts would be none other than Hogwarts. Three generations of Potters apparated under the same invisibility cloak, but different time periods, to just outside the shrieking shack.

Not seeing anyone, Harry Potter took the cloak of his head, Ron and Ginny followed suit. Without saying a word, Ginny cast a quick spell to change their appearance. Ginny and Ron now had blonde hair and blue eyes while Harry had brown eyes and brown hair.

Lily and James the second and Albus froze when they say the other three. So did the first Lily and James and Sirius.

"So I guess we are stuck here until we can find a way home." Ginny sighed

"How do we even approached Dumbledore with this." Ron sighed "Oh hey Dumbledore, were from the future and oh by the way we were there when you died. Good to see you again."

Ron froze when he heard a gasp. Harry, thanks to some quick thinking, cast a quick 'Homenum revelio'.

Knowing they were caught, thanks to Sirius' gasp, Lily cast a quick non-verbal spell to change their appearance as well. The other Lily did the same.

"I know you're here!" Harry called out. "There are six of you!" This raised alarm for the James the second. He wasn't the brightest candle on the menorah, but he did know how to count to three. And there were only three under the cloak. He weighed their options and came to the conclusion that they had to reveal themselves and hope the other three did the same. James pulled the cloak of his siblings shoulders and raised his hands in surrender.

"We don't want any trouble!" he called out to the other young man "We just need to speak to Dumbledore."

"Where are the other three people?" Harry asked

"I don't know. It's just the three of us." Al answered for his older brother.

Harry narrowed his eyes at the boy. He couldn't have been much older than himself. Eighteen... twenty at the most. He had messy red hair and wire rimmed glasses, much like his own. There was another young man next to him. A bit older but not by much. He had light brown hair and he could see blue eyes in the rising daylight. The girl next to him was a bit younger with red-ish brown hair and blue eyes.

"What are you doing here?" Harry called out to them

"If I told you, you wouldn't believe me." The girl smirked

"Try me."

"We need to see Dumbledore because I'm ninety percent sure that we traveled in time." The girl deadpanned

Harry blinked a couple times. "Okay." he lowered his wand "Same here."

"Don't mock me!" the girl snapped "I was being honest with you and now you're making fun of me" she crossed your arms and glared at the other three.

"I was born a week ago." Ginny told her "We aren't mocking you."

"Fine." The girl muttered

"Where are the other three people?" Ron asked

"I told you, it's just the three of us." The older boy called back

Three more people appeared out of nowhere.

"We don't mean any harm either." a blond haired girl called out. "All I know is that it's about a decade different form when we were." The blonde girl was accompanied by a pale skinned boy with brown hair that went to his shoulders and another boy with messy blonde hair and circular wire rimmed glasses that mirrored both Harry's and the other boy's.

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