Frozen People

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Chapter 17
Mid day, May 2nd, 1998

As Lily slowly regained consciousness, several people were unfrozen. It seemed that once she was fully awake they would all be back to normal. The first person to come back, was Ron. He had been mid step and he fell flat on his face. Al couldn't help but snicker. Ron responded with a quick. "Shut up. You were dead two minutes ago." that shut Al up. Ron got up and brushed himself off.

The next person was Jamie, less than thirty seconds later. He stayed where he was for a couple seconds until Ginny unfrozen and fell into his arm. He helped her up and they both went to Al and Lily.

"Harry, take the cloak off." Al said "It's not like there's anyone here who doesn't know."
A disembodied laugh run out and Harry appeared out of nowhere.
"Glad we're all alive." he said simply.
"I second that." Ginny kissed his cheek
"How did you see me under the cloak?" Harry asked Al. He slipped his arm around Ginny
"I saw your foot, just for a second." Al shrugged
"We're going to have so much explaining to do." Ron grumbled, eyeing his mother.
"What if we just leave." Jamie suggested "Nothing says we have to stay"
"They might not come unfrozen if we do that." Al muttered grimly. "I don't think we have a choice but to stay, at least for a bit longer." the others reluctantly agreed to his logic.

They stayed still and just stood there for a bit, waiting for the next person to unfreeze. It was Hermione. She was practically livid to have been kept in the dark of whatever the hell was going on. She stomped right up to Ron and slapped him.

"What the bloody hell is happening? Who are these people and why is everyone frozen in place?" she demanded
"Hermione, calm down." Ginny started
"No I will not calm down!" she cried "I turn away for one second and the three of you are acting completely different!"
"Hermione, these three" Ginny gestured to Al, Jamie, and Lily "their dad is sort of hated by Death Eaters," her eyes flicked to Harry "and they actively seek him out to kill him."
"Who's your father?" Hermione asked warily
"He is -what did you say?- right, the head of the Auror department."
"I thought that was Kingsley..." Hermione raised her eyebrow.
"He is... I'm talking about in the future. Right now, their father is marked as Undesirable number one." Harry suppressed a smirk
"How could Harry be your father?" Hermione glared at the six of them. "Stop being so cryptic and just come out and say it!"
Ginny looked at the three. "You tell her." she said. Al sighed and looked to his aunt.
"My name is Albus Severus Potter and this is my brother, James Sirius Potter, and my sister, Lily Luna Potter. We time traveled, and when Lily met you a couple months ago, that was only a couple days ago for us"
"That's not possible." Hermione scoffed "Time turners are only designed to go back several hours, not years." she looked to Ron "You can't believe this, do you?"
"I'm not from this time period either." Ron said quietly
Hermione swallowed the information "When are you from?"
"1999." he shrugged
"So you've finished this day before?" Hermione asked, eyes wide "I take it the three of you live?" Ginny laughed and nodded "Are you really Harry's children?"
"Yes." Al nodded
"What the hell are you doing here?" she exclaimed
"Watch it Aunt Mione, or you'll sound like Ron soon." Jamie warned playfully
"Aunt?" harmony was taken aback
"Hey look, it's Aunt Luna!" Jamie diverted her attention to Luna who was standing there, still frozen but she had to divert their attention
"Great save, Jamie." Al said sarcastically.

The next person unfroze, it was Neville.
"What the hell?" he barked
"Professor Longbottom, do you have any plants that will wake her up faster?" Al ignored his question.
"Professor?" everyone but Al and Jamie exclaimed
"Er- sorry, Mr. Longbottom?" he corrected hastily

Neville looked a little uneasy, but gestured them to follow him to the greenhouses. He picked up a small potted plant and he plucked off a leaf. Some pus came out of the break. Neville handed it to Al and instructed him to rub it on her forehead, not bothering with any explanation of what the plant was. Al moved to Lily, who was in Jamie's arms, and did just that. She started to stir.

"You're leaving, aren't you, Harry?" said Neville slowly.
Harry hesitated but then nodded
"But we need you, we can't do this without you." Neville pleaded
"I think you'll do just fine." Harry averted his gaze to not meet the eyes of the other Gryffindor.

Lily woke up and the first thing she said was "We have to find dad."
"We know where he is Lils." Jamie said softly
"And Albus?" she pressed
"I'm right here. I'm fine." he assured her
"Mum and uncle too?"
"Everyone's fine, Lily." Ginny said sweetly.
"Good." she sighed and rubbed her face "Jamie, can you please put me down."
"Oh, right, sorry." Lily climbed down off of her brother.
"You're fading!" Hermione exclaimed
"That's not the first time you've said that 'Mione." Ron laughed
"We have to modify their memory." Al said quietly "all of them, and quickly."

The others nodded and they ran back out to the courtyard with Neville and Hermione eight on their tails, once again highly confused by their, now, semi transparent friends. They saw that a bunch of other people had unfrozen during their time in the greenhouse,including the Weasleys, Luna, and most of the Order. When Kingsley saw the six, accompanied by the other two, he opened his mouth to yell but he was cut off my Al yelling "Obliviate!" a silver mist came from everyone's heads right to his wand. When it stopped, everyone had a slight confusion to them. Al, James, Lily, Ron, Harry, and Ginny didn't get a chance to see what happened because they were, once again, swept away through time.

They came up to Hogwarts, slightly battered but mostly fixed, in what they guessed to be 1999. Otherwise known as the time that Harry, Ron, and Ginny disappeared from.

Wordlessly, they all ran to the Whomping Willow and disappeared down the tunnel, coming up in the shrieking shack. From there, they apparated to the Burrow.

Ron and Ginny did a quick check,and concluded that they were, in fact, in 1999. Harry breathed a sigh of relief and slumped over on the couch.

"I'm glad that's over." he muttered
"I second that." Ron agreed. He went to sit beside his friend.
"Will you three be okay?" Ginny asked her kids
"Don't worry 'bout us." Jamie smirked "We can hold our own. We were, after all, raised by the Weasleys and Harry Potter."
"So we're good then? You can erase our memories and then you will go where ever? Hopefully home though."
"Mum, we'll be fine." Al assured her "Jamie's an Auror, Lily's a healer, and I am damn good at memory charms by now."
"Language!" Ginny laughed playfully
"Goodbye." They all said in unison
"Obliviate!" Al said half heartedly

With that, the three Potters were whisked away, hopefully for the last time, through the fabric of time and space. They landed in a dimly lit Burrow, at what seemed to be nightfall.

(A/N: OMG I am freaking out right now!! I went away for new years and I came back -not quite home yet but first time with wifi in 2016- and this story has 200+ reads and 50+ votes!! Thank you all so much! Now, while I was away, I was able to finish writing this whole story... this is the second last chapter... I'm sorry but I do have a nice 'happily ever after' type ending for you. I do have another time travel story in the works though. It will be called 'Teddy and the Marauders.' I don't know when I will get you the first chapter but I will try for before I go back to school (Monday) that's all for now. Bye! -Jul)

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