A Happy Ending

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Chapter 18
Nightfall, winter, 2043,
The Burrow,

"There you three are!" Teddy Lupin exclaimed, coming out from the bathroom. "I have been waiting for you forever! Come one, we're going to be late!" Jamie's eyes looked over his god brother.  Last he'd seen him, he had been 27. He looked a lot older than that though, 37 maybe.

"Teddy, what's going on?" Jamie asked him
"They'll explain that when we get there." Teddy said irritably "Come on, let's go! I need to go get Remus and time is running out!"

Teddy ushered them out the door and they side-along apparated to just outside an unfamiliar house.
"Go on inside." Teddy told them "I'll bring Remus and Nicole around later."
"Who's Nicole?" Jamie asked. Teddy didn't answer and apparated away.

"Am I the only person who found that weird?" Lily asked her brothers
"Not at all." Al sighed "But Teddy wouldn't hurt us. We can trust him." he sounded a bit unsure but the other two nodded
"Let's go inside." Jamie said.

He opened the front door and went inside.
"Take your shoes off, please!" a familiar voice called.
"Alice?" Jamie asked "Is that you?"
"Yes! Now take your shoes off and join us in the den!"

The three followed her instructions and proceeded down the short hallway. The pushed opened the door that the voice came from and peered inside.

What they saw was Alice Longbottom, Neville's oldest child, who was also Jamie's girlfriend, leaned over and picking up some food from the low sitting coffee table. Surrounding the table, sitting on one of couches, were three people that looked very similar to Jamie, Al, and Lily. They also saw older Scorpius and Lysander Scamander, one of Luna's boys. He had been Luna's crush for a while. Four people came in from the other door, Harry, Ginny, Hermione, and Ron. Alice looked up and saw them waiting at the door.

"Well come in!" she said "I guess introductions are in order."
"Look at that!" Hermione smiled "You six aren't crazy after all."
"You said you believed us!" Ron pouted
"You have to admit, dear, that it was a bit of a farfetched story." Hermione said to her husband.
"That's fair." Ron conceded
"What's going on?" the younger Jamie asked.
"Well we are going to have dinner now." his older self explained "James Potter." he offered his hand
"James Potter." the other one shook it.
"This is just creepy." Older Lily laughed "One James is bad enough, now we have two?"
"Hey!" the Jameses exclaimed
"Alright there is going to be a lot of confusion tonight." Scorpius rolled his eyes
"We need different names." the you Al suggested
"I like that." his older counterpart agreed. Everyone laughed
"Well we have the names we used with Harry's parents." Lily suggested
"That's good. Are you three okay with being Al Jamie and Luna while the others are Albus James and Lily?" Ginny asked. Everyone nodded.

"James, can you get the kids please? It's almost time to eat." Alice said. She turned to the time travelers "Did Teddy say what time he's coming with Remus and Nicole?"
"He just said later." Jamie said "Who's Nicole?"
"Teddy's daughter." Alice said simply "Hermione, are Rose or Hugo coming?"
"Rose is working late and Hugo has a date, so I don't think so. Rose said she would try and make it for dessert though." Hermione answered
"What about Dom and Louis? No wait, Louis is in France with Bill, isn't he."
Hermione nodded
"Vic is coming with Teddy though" Lily said
"Audrey and Percy are in Egypt with Lucy and Molly is flying out to see them with her family tomorrow so they can't make it either" Albus said
"What about Fred and Roxanne?" Alice asked
"Roxy couldn't make it because she has a meeting with the wedding planner early tomorrow. Angie is going with her. George and Fred are going to be late though, they are flying in from Canada today." Ginny told her.
"And Charlie?" Alice asked
"He's picking up Molly and Arthur." Harry told her.
"I lost count." Alice sighed, bring her face in her hands.
"Molly, Arthur, Charlie, Fred, George, Victoire, Teddy, Nicole, Remus, and Rose." Albus counted it out on his fingers "That's ten."
"Is Molly bringing anything? Because I don't think we have enough food." Alice asked
"She's probably bringing a whole roast." Ginny laughed. "No but she probably is."
"Thank goodness." Alice sighed
"Is Frank coming?" James asked, coming back into the room
"Oh, right. How could I forget about him." Alice rambled on "so that's eleven. He said he's not bringing his family though."
"Alice, dear, calm down." James told her. "My family couldn't care less about the food. Well maybe Ron and Hugo but Hugo isn't coming."
"He's right." Al added
"Why the hell is your family so big!" she exclaimed throwing her hands in the air. "Weasleys." she muttered under her breath
Everyone laughed.
"The table is out back. Everyone out." she ordered

The three hung back and trailed awkwardly after them. They were quite unsure of what was going on.

They were ushered into chairs on the large table set up in the house's backyard. They saw several small children run up to the table and fight each other of who gets to sit next to who.

"James," Lily said quietly "Who are the children"
"Julia!" James called "Bring your cousins to come meet these people."

A little girl who looked a lot like Alice with a circle face and curly auburn hair, looked over to James and nodded. She couldn't be older than five. She was joined by a little boy with messy black hair and bright blue eyes, no older than three. There were also a redheaded boy with steel gray eyes, only one or two.

"This," James gestured to the auburn haired girl "is my daughter, Julia. Her brother Taylor." the boy with black hair "And their cousin, Blair." the ginger "Albus and Scorp's kid. Then their next cousin hasn't been born yet. Lily's pregnant."
"With Lysander?" Luna asked in disbelief
"Yup" Lily came up behind them. "We got married about three years ago." Luna couldn't help but smile
"And you with Alice?" Al asked
"Yup. Going on nine years we've been married." he said fondly

The dinner was nice. Alice was amazing at cooking and the roast that Molly had actually brought was just as good. The eleven people that they had waited on appeared shortly after. The large family mostly reminisced about past time that were really the future for the time travelers. They listened intently to the fun stories of friends and family that some they recognized but not all. Al heard a funny story involving someone named Gina that he was quite looking forward to.

"Tell us about your story." Lysander asked them "About your time travel"
"Well surely you would know." Luna shrugged
"Actually, no." Hermione sighed "You kept it quite a secret until tonight."
"Ginny was quite peeved that you disappeared for a month, only appearing once, and you wouldn't tell us what the hell happened." Harry grumbled
"Sorry dad," Jamie laughed
"We're we really gone for a month?" Luna asked
"You got back on August 31st. Day before seventh year" Lily said
"Wow." Luna whispered
"So tell us the story" Alice begged

And so they did. It took about an hour with both ages of Lily, James, and Al adding to the story. Ginny, Harry, and Ron were quite peeved to find out they had been there but remembered nothing of it. They pleaded with Al to remove it. When he did, they were horrified. Luna had left out the part about the battle of Hogwarts. They, then felt the need to tell the family that Harry was now not the only one who had come back from the dead.

Harry was happy to have memories of his parents now, and of teenaged Sirius. Ginny was also glad to have met her in laws.

"What time is it?" James asked
"About ten. Why?" Albus said lazily
"Because they are going to go" James looked at him
"Oh, right." Albus said stupidly
"Why did all this happen?" Jamie, Al, and Luna said at the same time.
"We never found out." Lily admit to them
"We sort of just guessed that whoever did it wanted us to be closer to our parents and paternal grandparents or something."
"So we're done then?" Al asked "No more stops; we're going home."

They said a couple more quick goodbyes before the time travelers left with Teddy who apparated them to Godric's Hollow.
"I'll see you three later." he smirked "Also I'm never letting you babysit Remus ever again."
"I can't believe he's eleven." Lily shook her head "How old it Nicole?"
"She's eight." said Teddy
"So we still have to wait two years to meet her." Lily said with a fake pout.
"Goodbye." They all said again.

Luna, Jamie, and Albus faded away to their own time. And they stayed there this time.


(A/N: This is bittersweet for me. Last chapter. I'm so sad about this. On the bright side, first chapter of Teddy and the Marauders is up! Go check it out and tell me what you think. Next chapter will be a promo chapter for my other books :P See ya! -Jul)

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