Number 4 Privet Drive

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Chapter 7

11 p.m. March 15th, 1978

Number 4 Privet Drive

The group of time travelers apparated to little whining to Lily's family home. Lily unlocked the door with the key that had managed to stay in her pocket the whole while they were thrown through time. Harry looked around, eyes wide, reminiscing about every little memory, the good and the bad, from before the whole world went awry. He had never thought he would look back on the Dursleys with such fondness before.

He walked through the small entry way and trailed over to the cupboard under the stairs.

"Do you mind?" he asked his teenaged mother, gesturing toward the small door.

"Um- sure." Lily said with a bit of confusion

Harry opened the cupboard and saw it filled with boots, coats, an odd pair of snowshoes, the normal things you would find in a cupboard under the stairs.

"What memories have you got under there, mate?" Ron asked

"Did I never tell you?" Harry asked him surprised

"Tell me what?"

"This is where I slept for the first eleven years of my life." Harry laughed

"What?!" Lily shrieked "Why on earth would you sleep under the stairs?" anger was obvious on her face.

"Are we terrible parents or something?" James asked with a bit of fear

"I-" Harry hesitated

"You should tell them." Ginny encouraged

"Now or never dad!" Luna called from the living room. On her sudden outburst, the sleeping Remus woke up and started to cry. Luna shushed him and Harry scratched the back of his neck.

"What?" James asked anxiously "We really are terrible parents aren't we." Lily just looked miserable

"No, you were wonderful parents." Harry started cautiously "But you died." he waited to see their reactions

"Well I know that, Luna did say that she was the only one who had met her namesake and I figured she meant the Luna part out of the Lily Luna." Lily said with a shrug

"Yeah, but you didn't die at the same time as Sirius." Sirius perked up at the sound of his name, he was paying a bit more attention to the story now that it involved him.

"Sirius died when you were sixteen?" Lily confirmed. Harry nodded.

"Not quite, I was still fifteen. But yes."

"So when did we pass on" James said, almost sarcastically

"I'm honestly surprised that you don't know already." Al said "I mean we all started out..." he trailed off after a sharp glare from Luna shut him up.

"What?" anxiety filled Lily again

"You died when I was one." Harry finally said it

"So- what- what you mean is, this- this is really the only memories you have of us?" James stuttered out

"I do remember that night. Some of it." Harry shrugged "I have photos too."

"So it's me who's the bad parent!" Sirius yelled out, breaking the tension "'Cause I know I'm your godfather."

"No, you were sort of absent for my childhood." Harry sighed "You went to Azkaban for 12 years for the murder of Peter Pettigrew."

"Really Harry? That's how you tell him? You are a complete idiot." Jamie laughed "And that's coming from me."

"I guess it's genetic." Luna smirked

Sirius was quite pale at this point.

"You escaped in my third year to come and kill me." Harry continued with a straight face

"Harry shut up." Ginny scolded "You've scared him half to death."

"So I didn't go to Azkaban?" Sirius looked relieved

"No, that part was true." Harry said with an apologetic smile

"Harry don't mess with him." James growled

"As much as I wish he wasn't, he's telling the truth." Ron said

"Why?!?" Sirius begged

"For the murder of Peter Pettigrew." Harry said again

"Why the hell would I kill Wormy?" Sirius cried

"Shut it or you'll wake my dead great grandparents." Luna said irritably "Both literally and figuratively."

"Luna, geez, the guy just found out about the worst part of his life." Al winced

"Think of it this way Sirius, you were the first person to escape from Azkaban." Jamie laughed

"You think this is funny? He just found out he killed a guy and you are laughing at him like a bunch of sick psychos!" Lily growled

"No one ever said he was guilty, only that he was convicted." Harry shrugged innocently

"I didn't kill Wormy? Or try to kill you?" Sirius said with a sigh

"No, but Pettigrew deserved to die." Harry spat

Sirius and James mouths held agape

"Harry!" James scolded "That is no way to talk about your uncle Wormtail!" he tried to play it off like a joke.

"You would be alive without that murderous son of a bitch traitor." Harry spat with no inch of warmth in his voice.

"I-" James and Sirius had no way to react. They just stood there. Luna tried to break into the conversation to reassure the two marauders and to scold her adolescent father.

"You were framed for his murder." Ginny said "He faked his death and blew up the whole street."

"Why'd he do that?" the three from 1978 just looked miserable

"He was a death eater" Ron said quietly.

James and Sirius burst out laughing.

"Now i know you're pulling my leg." James laughed

"Wormtail? A death eater?" Sirius added on in disbelief

The two sobered up when they saw the sullen faces of the rest of the group.

"You're fading." Lily whispered "Does that mean we aren't coming with you this time?"

"It looks like it." Al sighed "I s'pose I should erase your memories."

"Can we say goodbye first?" Lily's voice hitched in her throat

Harry walked up to his parents. He gave them each a hug, then gave one to Sirius as well. Lily gave Ginny a tight hug

"Even though I won't be there for your wedding, I'm glad you're the on marrying my son." she whispered only loud enough for Ginny to hear. Ginny blushed pure scarlett

The others said quick goodbyes and Al cast the spell. The three were in a trance like state as the other seven (including baby Remus) were in a dimly lit number 4 Privet Drive.

"What year is it?" Luna asked softly

"I don't know. Is there a paper or a calendar anywhere here? There was one at all the other places." Al sighed

"I'm exhausted, can we take a nap before we move on?" Jamie complained

"I second that." Ron sat down on the couch

The six settled in on the couches. Harry curled up with Ginny on the loveseat, Ron in the arm chair, Jamie and Al had opposite ends of the couch, and Luna held Remus near her chest and laid down on the floor in front of the couch with a couple throw pillows and a blanket. They were all soon asleep.

(A/N: Lol! I messed up on the year last chapter. It said they were in 1977 but I wanted Lily James an Sirius to be in their seventh year during spring break so I had to fix that. Sorry! Hope you're enjoying it! -Jul)

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