Chapter 1

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 Emily's POV:

It was another simple, yet boring day. I get up, shower, get ready, and go to school. "Just a couple more years of this, and then your out." I mumbled as I got out of bed, and headed to the bathroom. The clock read 6:00A.M, as usual. I undressed, and turned the water on. As it was warming up I figured I should brush my teeth incase I forget afterwards. I brushed, rinsed, and repeated just like most people would. I figured the water was warm enough, so I stepped right in. I was right, it was the perfect temperature for a morning wash.

As I finished in the shower, I got out and got two towels. One for my long hair, and one for my body. I grabbed the biggest towels I could find, tightend them around me, and went back into my room. I shut the door quietly, as my parents were still in bed because they don't have to be up until seven. As I shut the door, my phone vibrated on my night stand. I walked over and grabed it.

The screen read: Bret!!: Good morning, Beautiful.<3 Have a good day, I'll see you soon!(:x"

You see..Bret is my best friend, and he has been since kindergarden. I don't know what I would do without him..He has seen me at my worst, and still called me beautiful. I swear, everybody needs someone like Bret. I quickly sent him a text, and I needed to hurry if I wanted to catch my bus.

"Thanks babycakes(; hahah, good morning to you too!<33xx"

I open my closet only to be unsure what to wear. I am a very simple girl for my age I guess... I'm in tenth grade and I hate make-up. Hate it, and my eyes get all weird with it, so there really is no point in suffering. I figured since it was a Monday, I decided on my converse, skinny jeans, and a hoodie I got out of town on holiday. I took my hair out of the towel and gently brushed it through. Then, I took gel to it and scrunched it lightly. I grabbed my backpack and I was ready to walk to the bus stop. Hello, Monday.

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