Chapter 34

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Last night I had set my alarm for six o'clock in the morning, on a Saturday. I'm ready for this. I got up out of my sleepy position, changed into a dress, and walked down stairs. Good, Bret was still asleep. Last night I wanted to be alone so that nothing would stop me from doing this today so he offered me his bed and he passed out on the couch. His parents had work really early today. They told us last night that they had a lot of meetings to attend and that they were to report at the office earlier than usual.

Tip toeing past Bret, I made my way into the kitchen, grabbed a piece of paper and a pen, took my materials to the table and sat down. I choked down the knot that has formed inside my throat, took a big breath, and started to write. 


     I just want to say that this isn't your fault. I just can't take this anymore. By 'this' I mean being treated like shit. Not from you but Drew and the people at school. Speaking of Drew I'm pretty sure you want to know what happened since I haven't really been talking to you that much. Well, in the last four months anyway. So, basically you got what you wanted. I'm not with him. I told him about the messages that I was receiving, and yes I have gotten more but that's beside the point. He told me that he loved me and that he wants what's best for me. He said that he would treat me like a princess and that I would have any worries in my life. Me, being the foolish, young, hormonal teenager that I am, I believed him. I began to know a lot about him and I felt terrible for him. I had found out that he only lives with his abusive dad because his loving, caring mom left when he was in the second grade. He said that's why he was normally forceful, that's the only thing he knew. He accepted the fact that I tried to kill myself and that he would always be there for me. You probably don't need to know this but since I'm going to be gone, I need to get this off my chest. I gave myself to him. Only this time, I wanted it. I felt as though that I could trust him with my life. It was an amazing night, everything that I had hoped. Kind, sweet, gentle. He made me feel beautiful. 

I stopped to take a breath. I hated what I was going to say next because in that, semi, short time that I was with Drew, I really thought that he was the one. 

So, what made me break it off with him? Well, he drunk called me the one night at four in the morning. He started yelling at me, I figured just maybe that he didn't know it was me, you know? That was short lived because he started calling me by name. He knew exactly who I was. He started calling me a worthless bitch and telling me that he hated me. He called me a freak and that he hopes that I die because of what I've done to myself. He also said that the night I gave myself to him, the one night in my life that I was ready for such a big step, he just wanted to fuck me again. Also, in the background, a girl was calling him back to bed. Basically he cheated on me. By the voice, it was the girl in the drivers side of the car that almost killed me at the shopping center. That was a week ago. To this day he calls me, begs me to listen to him, I just hang up. Now, back to you. I love you so much Bret. You are the one that I should have listened to and I wish that I stopped being so stupid and listened. Sorry for the tear marks on the paper, I can't control them now. I don't want you to find me, so I will tell you the location that I will be at, but I just want you to call the police. Do it anonymously please?  I will have a card with your name and number on it so that when they find me, you will be the one that they call. Tell them you had no idea, throw this note out, then maybe come to the hospital.

Address: 450 Hudson Lane, corner of West 37.  I love you. Goodbye Bret. 


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