Chapter 8 - Hospital

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Last I remember were these two head lights coming towards me, I was still. I wasn't moving, I opened my eyes and I saw that my arm was in a cast. I looked around seeing 'GET WELL SOON' 'FEEL BETTER' soccer balloons and followers. I looked around seeing my mom in a chair reading, I tried to move but I couldn't.

I had these breathing things in my nose; I had a needle in my arm. What? Where? What am I doing here? I tried to sit up but I couldn't I was too sore to move.

I tried to speak but my mouth was dry, I looked to my left and I reached to grab water to clear my throat. I grabbed the water painfully, and took a sip.

"Mom?" my voice was lost sounded so hoarse when I spoke. She looked up with sadness in her eyes also filled with worry.

"Hi sweetheart, how are you feeling?" she said as she brushed my hair.

"I'm okay, mom just a bit sore. What happened why am I here?" I asked trying to sit up again but I couldn't.

"Honey, you got into a car accident. You were in a comma for a week." She said with tears in her eyes.

"Mom I'm okay, really don't cry. How did I end up in a cast?" I said almost missing a the boot on my right foot. How did this even happen? Was the car accident that bad?

"Well, some idiot thought it'd be okay to blow a red light. And he hit you, and your arm is broken. So you have to wear a sling because you got surgery in your arm when the glass cut you and the car had a big impact on your arm." She pointed to my right arm; that was in a light blue cast that from my thumb all the way up to the mid of my bicep.

"Why was I in a comma?" I asked soon enough my head started pounding.

"You hit your head on your windshield and you hit your head pretty hard" she said smiling still brushing my head.

I looked around to see my soccer stuff and my school bag. I looked at my mom who was just glad to see me alive; she needs to not worry because I'm going to be okay.

All of a sudden, the door opens wide and I see a few familiar faces walk in through the door holding flowers, balloons, cupcakes, and a giant teddy bear.

I smiled to see that it was Amber, Krissy and Emma with worried looks on their faces but then their mood changed when they saw my eyes where opened. They rushed to my side and Krissy was almost in tears.

"Krissy I'm fine really; you need to calm down because I'm okay."

"I'm so glad you're okay, you don't know how terrifying it is hearing you stop talking then screeching and a crash. Then looking up to see your friends car smashed, and then hearing the ambulance come. While you see that she isn't moving nor breathing, and you find her to be here in the hospital in a comma for a week" She said with a terrifying sound behind her voice.

Before I could say anything 5 people walked in, 5 faces that I knew far too well.

"PJ, you're awake?" Joe whispered to me.

He was holding a giant teddy bear with a soccer ball attached to it with writing on it 'SCORE ONE FOR ME HONEY' I chuckled softly at the bear.

And I saw Anthony, Zack, Matt and Alex walk in holding flowers and balloons.

"Hey Joe, yeah I'm awake I woke up a few minutes ago." My voice sounded hoarse. I sounded like a man, an ugly wounded man.

I still couldn't believe what happened to me, I just never pictured myself getting into something like this.

I saw Anthony with horror in his face, I touched my face and I noticed stitches on the side of my temple. I looked at my mom with question written all over my face.

"When the glass shattered some cut you in your face, made you get 3 stitches." She said smiling trying to make the situation a little bit easier. I just nodded, how long am I out for?

I had million questions popping up into my mind, I just want to get back on my feet this isn't what I want.

I looked up to see the doctor walk in and smiled at me, surprised to see me awake.

"Hey there kiddo, I see you're awake. We weren't expecting you to wake up for a week maybe." He said, the doctor was a smile white man.

Had thin short black hair, he had a ring band on his left hand. Seems he was married, he had more of a soft face to him. Probably that way because of his patients most of them must have been little kids.

"Hey Doc, I was just wondering why I have a boot on my leg?" I said painfully pointing at my leg.

"Well, because the car of the crash used so much force it caused to harm your right side of your body, you only fractured your ankle but unfortunately you broke your arm. You're going to take about 2 months maybe 3 to recover from all of this."

I swallowed hard on my dry spit, 3 months is he serious? The school year just started its bullshit. I shouldn't be getting this, I need to start physical therapy already so I can leave.

Wait my car! My poor Jeep, I haven't even thought about what happened to my car. I looked at my mom, "Mom where's my Jeep?! Is she okay?" I said practically screaming.

My dad always wanted me to have a Jeep when I was older. My mom promised him she would get me one once she had the chance.

I want the car fixed, I hope its fixed it's been a week now.

My mom started chuckling, "your car is fine honey, and it's fixed and ready to drive. You won't be driving any time soon though; you're going to be in wheel chair because you can't drive."

Wheel chair too? Great.

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