Chapter 4 - Captains

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Great it was Zack, Anthony, Matt, and Alex walking towards us. They were all wearing cutoffs, with basketball shorts. Okay is it national look like a tool day or?

"Hey guys, how's it going?" Anthony spoke up, "Good, you?" Kristine said, as I watched Anthony smile at me.

I grinned at him, "Great really stoked about this."

Anthony said with anxious in his eyes, "yeah Anthony we got to go the coaches are coming."

Zack said as he started to walk away, "guess I got to go."

I looked around to see my coach, and Joes coach walking on to the track of the field.

They were laughing about something, I looked a Joe as he shrugged and started walking next to us.

"PJ you never told me you knew them they seem good. But I will be the judge of that." Joe said as he stared their way.

Joe was always one to be a great captain, he called the shots. You can tell Coach Murray liked him a lot.

I walked to my team with Kristine, and sat down facing the coaches.

As Joe and a couple of his teammates including those four familiar faces come and sit next to us, I smiled and greeted the rest of the teammates I knew.

Joe hugged and had that normal how are you, talk to Amber and Emma.

The coaches got closer and I looked at Krissy as she smiled with excitement in her eyes. "They're going to announce the captains today for both teams."

Krissy said, squeezing my shoulders as she hugged me on the ground.

How did she know? But then again, how didn't she know? She knew everything of everything.

I just smiled shy, nervous to see what the coaches were going to say.

The coaches were walking towards us, with them was Coach Kane, Coach Miller the assistant coach for the baseball team and Coach Nick the other assistant coach for boys team. They always had around 4 coaches.

"HELLO EVERYONE!" Coach Tuck blurted, he was always the loud one I just chuckled because he ended up making Coach Murray jump.

Coach Murray, was a normal size man with thin dirty blond hair. He looked to be 28 or 29, he had a black t shirt and some kakis on with Nike free runs, while coach tuck had on large soccer shorts and a red soccer shirt and black free runs. Kane had black soccer shorts, a white shirt, and red free runs.

"So, I know most of you are wondering while we are all together on the same field." Murray said as most nodded, a few chuckled.

"Well, due to the fact that Coach Tuck is a personal trainer. He will be training all of us together, but the coaches and each captain of the varsity team will be helping us training you as well." Murray said as he looked at Joe and nodded.

"Speaking of captains! We still have to choose who will be the captains!" Tuck said as he looked at the Murray.

"Yes we do, for the boys varsity baseball team 2013-2014 will be your only JOE TUCKER!" as everyone started clapping, while the boy's woo-d and whistled, that was an obvious choice.

Joe stood up shaking his coach's hand standing next to him. "And for the girls varsity soccer team 2013-2014 captain will be..."

He looked at his clip board then as he spoke I felt a hand squeeze mine and several pats on my back from my teammates, the anxiety was eating me alive "PEYTON JENSEN! PJ!"

I sighed in relieve, and my team and then everyone else cheered and clapped seemed I got bigger cheers than Joe did.

I was so ecstatic to find out that I got captain, me.

On my senior year I received this privilege I will make the best of this. Stay focus, showing my team how great of a leader I can be. I stood up shaking coach Tucks extremely large hand. I stood next to him as he patted my back.

I smiled couldn't stop smiling like a fool because of the fact that I got captain.

The coaches handed Joe and I both whistles so we can run the drills with them. "Alright let's get started!"

Murray shouted and then did a single clap.

"I want the freshmen boys and girls to be working together, same with the sophomore's boys and girls working together. Varsity teams to be working with each other as well!" Murray said

"You two over here." Murray said pointing at Joe and I as everyone started to move to their signed designation.

"I want you two to run the freshmen side, then sophomore side, and then finish off with the varsity side. I'll call you over when I want you to move up. Here are the plans; the lessons are already written down. You can also add in other drills if you would like. There are cones, and other things you need over there towards the bench. I want you two keep an eye out for kids that would be good for your varsity team. Think of yourselves as scouts looking for the best to represent your team. You see?" he said as we both nodded, taking our clip boards with papers and pens attached to them.

"This is a big responsibility don't make us change our minds of making you two become captains. We chose you two because you two seem the most focus responsible, and the best on the team to lead them and help them when it comes to game time. We can always switch you with someone else."

He threatened, "Coach Tuck wrote down all of the drills including a visual drawing so you don't get confused these papers should be pretty accurate due to the fact that he is a personal trainer." We nodded taking more papers attaching them to our clipboards.

"Alright don't let us down!" we looked at him and said "yes sir." in unison before he jogged to the rest of the varsity coaches who were by the varsity team.

I let out a loud sigh trying to get a breath in. This was a big responsibility; I don't want to ruin my chances on the first day. I want to prove I can do this.

"PJ, it's going to be okay believe me. This isn't anything you and I can't handle." Joe said with a hand on my shoulder making me come back to reality, Joe was always a good friend he was like a big brother.

We always teased each other and helped each other when we needed help. Our families were very close. Joe and I grew up together going to the same grade school, middle, and high school together.

His mom and my mom are very close. He always protected me like a little sister. I just smiled shyly at him, and he smiled back as we walked towards the group of kids.

They were all sizes tall, short, skinny, round and so on.

I took the girls and Joe took the boys we separated them so they don't get distracted because well they're freshmen.

Who knows what they would do. All I know is that they were intimidated by Joe and I because we were captains.

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