Chapter 37 - Pants

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I was feeling miserable and it wasn’t even 6 yet, I ended up taking a two hour nap. I woke up and I was worse than before, who said sleeping your sickness off works? Right now I am worse than before probably because I didn’t take any medicine.

I stood up from the coach and started coughing immediately, great. I pulled up my hood and pulled the strings and moaned into the kitchen to find everyone sitting around the breakfast bar laughing. This is what I like to see everyone to carefree and enjoying every second of moment together that they have.

I turned to leave them alone as I walked up the stairs, that couch was giving me back pain. I took two steps before I was stopped by Zack grabbing my elbow, why!

“Hey you’re awake come eat.”

“No” I said flatly I just didn’t want to eat I felt like I was going to burst.

“But you didn’t eat anything, you should really eat Peyton” he furrowed his eyebrows at me, whenever someone said my full name I can tell that they meant whatever they said.

I just moaned and walked over to the dining table that was next to the kitchen and placed my head on the placemat and left my arms dangling. I was in no mood to neither eat nor look at food, but I guess I had to eat.

Footsteps walk over to me and I turn my head to look at the feet which were painted red my eyes trail up to find Krissy walking over to me with a bowl of soup. I move my head up and she placed it in front of me with soup.

Everyone sat around me with snacks laughing and talking as I hate my soup.

Okay, maybe I was wrong I was hungry because I found myself eating another plate of chicken soup.

We go back to school tomorrow and it’s the fourth of November. It’s a Monday. Even more reason to hate Mondays.

I finished in eating as I walked back upstairs to change into my pajamas. I changed the a/c to the heater because it was November no use of having an a/c on. I decided to take my sweats off and wear softies. I threw sweats down the chute and walked back down the stairs, it’s probably been two weeks since I washed my clothes.

Not that I needed them to be washed because I had enough clothes it just bothered me.

I seen that everyone was still talking around the table, I didn’t want to bother them but my beautiful wet cough made them turn around.

“Hey PJ, you feelin’ any better?” Krissy asked as Zack walked over to me to put the back of his hand on my forehead “nah she’s still hot. Where are you going?”

“To wash my clothes why?”

“Just wondering, do you need help?”

“Not really I’m washing my dirty clothes, I think I can take care of that on my own” I smirked at him as he smiled back at me. I left where we were to walk back into the laundry room. I just realized I had indoor practice tomorrow after school.

Plus I have to wear my concussion headband tomorrow too and I’m not looking forward to that.

I walk outside because I finished with my laundry and carried it upstairs, but I see that Krissy and Emma were by my door with Joe and Zack.

“Hey you guys leaving?” I was struggling with my laundry so I put it down as I placed my hands on my hips.

“Yeah it’s a school night, but I’ll see you at school feel better” Joe walked over and gave me a hug followed by the girls.

I grabbed my laundry and headed up stairs as Zack followed me.

“Do you want me to pick you up tomorrow? You only live a subdivision away so it wouldn’t be a problem by me”

“That’s okay Zack I think I’ll be fine” I walked into my closet and started to put my clothes away.

Zack walked over to my closet door frame and watched me  as I put my colored sports bra away, “having fun there?”

“Why yes I love hanging up clothes” I was trying to be as sarcastic as possible Zack laughed and moved his fingers through his hair.

“Well it’s 10 so I think I should get going” he said as he walked out the door frame and moved to my bed.

I suddenly got upset because I didn’t want him to leave… but then I felt something in my pants… shit

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