Soccer Vs Baseball

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I should start from the beginning, from when it all started. My name is Peyton Jensen but I go by PJ. I guess I always loved running, but there was something missing when I ran. Something to keep me occupied when I ran, a ball.

When I first realized that I loved soccer was when I was around 4, but it was a common sport little kids played just for them to get out and have some exercise. All four years old did was run around trying to kick the ball, or sat in the middle of the field and picked at grass or made a mud angle.

I wasn't one of those kids, I always tried to score I loved the feeling of connecting a shot with the net. Such a rush, to know you were the hero of the game. Although, it was just a four year old game and there weren't goalies, but it was still a great feeling.

Flash through my life 14 years, and I am a senior in high school. I lived in my home town of New Jersey, since I was born, when I was 10 my dad passed away from cancer. I loved my dad, just like any little girl should. He was a great dad, and my mom loved him dearly. About 3 years later she started dating Paul, he's a good guy.

I attended Jackson Memorial High School, home of the Jaguars. Starting off my senior year was so exciting; I had the butterflies any other teenager would have starting off their first day of school.

I walked over to my mirror, and examined my outfit I had beige studded combat boots, black tights, a Chor T-shirt American flag tank top, with a jean jacket over I rolled up my sleeves. I am thankful I have my mother's hair genes, natural straight black hair always made my friends jealous, ever since I was 11 I decided to grow my hair.

My hair grew to my lower back, all though it was a hassle because of soccer, it didn't seem to get in the way that much. You should always dress nice on your first day of school, I packed my soccer backpack bag, grabbed my light blue Nike backpack that made me stand out in the hallways but that never bothered me. I was never one to be known as a shy girl, considering I'm loud and obnoxious because of my team.

I was on varsity since freshmen year; try outs were like any other ordinary try outs, the second day of try outs.

The varsity coach asked me those very few words that any girl wanted to hear as a freshmen soccer player starting her career "how would you like to be on my varsity squad?" and ever since then I've been a starting forward/outside mid fielder. I mostly play forward, I play midfield rarely.

I checked the time, 7:45 "crap, I'm going to be late."

I rush into my Jeep patriot; yeah this car is any girls dream. My mom thought it was okay to spoil me, but I was never a spoiled brat.

My mom took over my dad's job when he died, because that's what she wanted when before he died. She was CEO of some building that was well known by the town, I never really focused on what she usually did because it reminded me of my dad.

I lived in a nice house, because since my mom is CEO she can afford this nice house. It was a big house you can say, but it always felt home to me.

A lot of the kids that went to Jackson Memorial had nice cars, phones, computers, houses and everything. This school is expensive, so it kind of made sense for kids whose parents can afford this school, can afford nice a house. I pulled up into school and parked into the senior parking lot.

One of the privileges of being a senior, I parked next to a familiar black range rover.

I looked over and it was Kristine, she was up on offense with me she was our center midfielder the best one we've had.

I loved playing soccer with her because we worked so well off of each other. she got taller at least 5'8 we were finally eye level, her tan made her green eyes stand out her blonde wavy hair got longer past her shoulder blades.

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