Chapter 29 - Blake Nelson

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“PJ, I mean I go by PJ but my name is Peyton Jensen. What about you?”

“Blake Nelson, but I go by Blake” he joked as stuck his hand out and I laughed and shook it.

“So why don’t we play?” I asked him as I grabbed my guitar pick from my pocket and we started playing Amber Lynn by Mayday Parade my favorite band and mashed it with Six Feet under the Stars by All Time Low. I sang Amber Lynn while he sang Six Feet under the Stars.

‘Amber Lynn, I’ve got three days to keep away

(Meet me on Thames Street)

I’ve been waiting on that white horse, oh for all these days

(I'll take you out though I'm hardly worth your time)

Amber Lynn, you’ve got me all wrong

(In the cold you look so fierce, but I'm warm enough)

Sweet love of mine, bring me closer to that Florida line

(Because the tension's like a fire)

Amber Lynn won’t you be mine

(We'll hit South Broadway in a matter of minutes)

And take me away, tonight

(And like a bad movie, I'll drop a line)’

The mash up was so great and his voice was phenomenal I couldn’t get enough of how perfect it sounded.

“You have an amazing voice believe me. It’s beautiful” he said as he put his guitar pick back into his back pocket of his jeans.

“Oh please your voice is amazing trust me I can’t get enough of it.” I said and before he can say anything my phone started buzzing.

“Hello? Okay relax I’m in town, no I’m not alone relax! Yes I’ll come back. And I’m bringing someone with me. I’ll be there soon okay gosh.” I hung up the phone so angry and flustered Joe called me screaming because everyone was looking all around for me and I haven’t been picking up my phone.

Geez I didn’t know going into town for a couple of hours was such a crime.

“Do you want to join me and my friends for dinner?” I asked him as I packed my guitar up.

“Um sure what do I have to lose right?” he laughed as he packed his guitar and we headed back into town.

We talked about everything but he didn’t find out anything personal from me we just asked any normal questions.

“So do you play any sports?” I asked him as we headed into the forest type street.

“Yeah I play baseball. I’m on varsity, I got moved up my sophomore year” he said as he looked around the forest as we walked around the dirt road.

“Oh that’s cool, you’re a senior?” I asked him as I adjusted my strap as we continued to walk in the forest road.

“Yeah I’m a senior how about you?”

“I’m on the soccer team, I’m captain and I’ve been on varsity since freshmen year. And yes I’m a senior” I said proudly at my accomplishment.

“Wow that’s pretty impressive” he smiled as he ran his fingers through his hair.

We walked into the cabin he didn’t know what to do because he was just standing their awkwardly.

“Come on in make yourself at home” I said smiling at him as he nodded his head everyone was in the back so we went outside and met everyone.

“PJ!” Zack yelled hugging me followed by Joe and Krissy.

“Guys calm down I can take care of myself you all know that. I know I should of told you guys that I was going into town, but the least you can do is calm down”

“Yeah okay we get it PJ, but that doesn’t mean we can’t worry. What if you get kidnapped or something?!” Joe shouted as I took a step back.

“Joe stop! I’m fine and I’m here now. So quit” I was getting mad they’re acting like I was lost forever. I know they care about me but they need to calm down I’m fine.

“Blake Nelson?” Joe said as he let go of my arms to turn and give Joe a hand shake to give him one second hug the usual boy greeting.

“Wait how do you know Blake?” I asked confused “he’s on my travel team! Man what are you doing here?” Joe said excitingly “my buddies and I from the baseball team decided to come into town and we just wanted a break from school and baseball so we decided to come into the country side and get away from the rich folk and try out the country side.”

“No way that’s awesome! Wait since when did you play guitar I didn’t know that?” Joe said as he motioned his hand towards Blake’s guitar.

“Yeah man I’ve been playing for quiet sometime. I just didn’t tell you guys cause I never thought about it” Blake said as he looked at me and smiled before I felt someone grab my arm.

“You didn’t tell me you met such a cute guy!” Krissy said as she smiled looking Blake talk with Zack and the rest of the boys.

“Yeah um he seen me playing on the beach and I don’t know we just started to sing and play together” I said innocently turning around to meet eyes with Blake as he nodded and smiled at me.

All the girls said “ooo”

“What?” I asked trying to get why the girls are acting all weird “don’t you see it he’s totally into you!” Krissy said grabbing my arm and jiggling me like a mad man.

“Um no I don’t see it. We’re just friends I don’t really get anything” I asked starting to get annoyed “yeah well he is and you better not do anything to ruin your relationship”

“What are you talking about?! We just met today just because we sang together and he flirted with me and” I stopped myself and thought “oh shit”

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