Chapter 33 - Results

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“Hey…” he said as he sat by the love chair that was close to my bed.

“Hi” I wonder what he’s going to say, I don’t even know what I was going to do.

He placed his hands on his lap and sighed and just looked at me, I felt his eyes pouring into my soul. I cut out of the gaze and looked down at my hands that were folded on my lap.

I started moving my fingers around just trying to figure out what I’m going to say so I can break the awkwardness.

But that was when he cleared his throat “so how are you feeling?”

“I’m okay… how about yourself?” I asked shyly as I looked up at him.

“I don’t know really, I am just worried about you that’s all. I don’t want to talk about me right now; I just don’t want anything bad to happen to you Peyton.”

“This isn’t your fault Zack you shouldn’t think this is your fault, it could have been anything serious to trigger something. I’m going to be okay Zack, I just over reacted and that lead to have my blood to boil. I didn’t mean for you to think that this is your fault, I just got hurt because you didn’t trust me. You thought I cheated on you with Blake when I barely know him I didn’t mean for you get hurt by that Zack” I said as I stared at him trying to look in his eyes for some sort of answers.

“PJ, I’m sorry I didn’t mean for any of this to happen. I am really sorry Peyton, all I ask is for your forgiveness I was out of line not to trust you. I should of believed you from the beginning, but I just seen the way he looked at you and I couldn’t help but to think he was going to take you away from me…” and he placed his hands on my bed to grab my hand and his thumb stroked the top of my hand.

He looked up at me and said sorry and got up.

Before he could leave my side I gripped his hand so he didn’t leave “I forgive you, but that doesn’t mean I want you to leave.”

He smiled at me and sat back down.

We talked all that night about everything it seems that in the last three days I missed my second favorite holiday.

I loved Halloween the girls and I would sit at my house and just watch scary movies and end up sleeping together and just talking about all the scary things that can happen that night.

The more Zack and I talked the more I seen life in his eyes with every laugh and smile. I was happy with Zack and yes we were going to get into fights and argue but I know we’re going to get through that because I know we grew from this and our relationship is much stronger after all of this.

Zack ended up moving to the long couch that turned into a mini bed and he stayed up with me talking until I fell asleep.

I woke up that morning feeling so much better and I found Zack sleeping with one arm off the couch the other on his chest. His sock was sticking out of the covers while the other was on top of his leg.

I couldn’t help how adorable he looked we’ve been dating for two months and I know the further we go into our relationship the harder things are going to be if we butt heads but I’m excited for the positive outcomes not so much the negatives. But I know we’re going to get past that.

Zack was gorgeous and I knew a lot of girls liked him, but that didn’t bother me because he was dating me. Not them, so they can stare all they want because he’s with me.

I just laughed at myself because I was being silly, I needed to get up from this spot my body was hurting me.

I pulled the sheets off of me, pulling the thing that carries my IV and all the wires attached to my body I just wanted to walk around for a bit. I put on my cars slippers it didn’t go well with my gown.

Good thing I had sweats under so I didn’t have to worry about my underwear showing.

I went to open the door when I heard Zack behind me.

“Hey you going somewhere?” said the blond haired boy I smiled and nodded as he got up and put his shoes on.

“Yeah I’m going to the cafeteria; I just need to walk around a bit. I was getting stiff in the bed, I’m sure this shouldn’t be a problem I feel a lot better now” I said as I stretched I was a bit sore but it wasn’t anything I couldn’t handle.

He walked over to my side to kiss my forehead and open the door as I walked out pulling on my portable hook machine that carried my IV.

I got my oxygen tubes out of my nose because the nurse said I didn’t need them anymore.

We walked into the elevator and seen another patent in a wheel chair looking down at his lap, I couldn’t help but to feel sorry for him but then I have to realize that people in his state wouldn’t want anyone feeling sorry for them.

I just shook my head and leaned my head on Zacks shoulder as we waited for the elevator to go back down to the cafeteria.

There I seen Joe and the rest of the gang eating there laughing, I smiled and thought this was a picture perfect moment if only I had my camera.

I walked over to the lines and got a tray and got a hamburger, fries, an Oreo ice cream to eat for desert and a fruit punch juice box. A girl needs her strength and besides I haven’t ate a hamburger in like 4 days so this is acceptable.

I realized I didn’t have my wallet until Zack ended up paying for my food and his I looked at him and thanked him with a kiss on his cheek.

I walked over to the table as Zack took my tray after I insisted I could carry it but he wanted to carry it for me because I had my “hands full” the only thing I was carrying was this stupid portable hook and I wasn’t carrying I was pulling.

Everyone’s eyes popped up and smiled at me when they seen me walking down the tables to sit with them.

I ended up sitting at the end of the table facing everyone as Joe and Zack sat across from each other.

“So Peyton how are you doing?” Emma asked as she leaned over the table to see me.

“I’m doing a lot better I just want to get out of here” I said as I put ketchup on my burger.

“Well today should be your last day, the doctors scanned you when you were sleeping and we’re supposed to get the results today” Joe said as he picked at his food with his fork.

“Oh well I’m going to finish eating and see what he says when I go back upstairs”

Everyone nodded as we joked around and talked about good times that we had together.

I laid in bed as the doctor came in with papers in his hand. I made everyone stand outside because I wanted to brace myself for the news I’m about to get.

“Hey kiddo, how you feeling?” he smiled at me as he touched my head.

“I’m doing better, I just want to hear the news and go home I don’t like hospital food” I said as the doctor laughed.

“Well I have your results right here, and …”

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