Chapter 56 - The Big Game

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I couldn’t believe what he just said I just stared at him and blinked a couple times. I nodded then smiled and hugged him.

He grabbed my hand and intertwined it with mine. We walked into the dance and seen everyone having a good time.

A slow song started playing, it was Thousand Years by Christina Perri.

I had my hands wrapped around his neck and his hands around my waist. I couldn’t stop smiling I felt like I was floating in air just seeing him and his hands around me. I rested my head on his chest as he pulled me closer. This was perfect.

Anthony and I went out together without our friends there because we felt like they were always with us so we could never have alone time.

Anthony took me to his house where I met his mother and dad who were probably the most caring and sweetest people I ever met. We hung on his couch and watched TV which is actually what I wanted to do. I didn’t want to go out and do something I just wanted to lay there with him and cuddle.

I checked my phone and it was almost midnight, I sighed because I had to go home.

He walked me to my car door and kissed me on the cheek. Just that small peck on the cheek sent shivers down my spine and there was nothing I can do about it.

He turned around to walk inside “um Anthony?”

He turned back to face me and smile with his hands in his pockets “thank you for tonight… I had a lot of fun”

He nodded at me “anytime” and flashed me with his gorgeous crooked smile of his. I practically fainted; well not exactly I was just exaggerating.

I went home, took a shower and laid on my bed smiling just staring at the ceiling.

I played tonight over and over in my head.

I didn’t want it to end but I had too.

Ever since that night I couldn’t stop thinking about Anthony we hung out a couple times after that too, but he was busy with baseball and I was busy with my soccer games.

The seniors had exactly one week left of school and I didn’t want to leave if I had the chance to stay here and remember all of my great memories.

It was April 23rd and we had the big game today.

Oh did I forget to mention we won super sectionals?! Yeah we won! But unfortunately so did our rivals we’re facing them for state…

Our record was the best overall by tying one game, you guessed it Liberty. Ugh why won’t they let us win? I will never know.

Anthony and I hung out a lot but he said he is going to give me my space because I had this game to worry about. I know it seems so sudden that it’s time to actually finish this season with a big bang. It’s been a decade since we won state and I am so determined to break that decade nothing is stopping me tonight.

Expect for when I get that one touch on my shoulder.

I turned around to fall in love with those light blue eyes that I grew to love. “PJ make me proud out there, but you do that already. You’re an amazing player, and when you come out that tunnel I’ll be here waiting for you. Go out there and fight!” Anthony said as he hugged me for dear life.

This is it this is the moment, I’m going to do it I’m gonna kiss him.

Then I felt his arms let go of me and run up the bleachers, are you kidding me? I just sighed and ran through the tunnel as the crowd cheered. This is the biggest turn out I have ever seen, all of the stands where filled and I couldn’t be more happy. I bent down to touch a piece of grass and slipped some into my shirt.

I said a small prayer before I stepped into the stadium, I kissed my thumbs and jogged over to my team and pointed at the sky “this one is for you dad” I whispered and gathered with my friends.

We were warming up when I look over to watch the Liberty team, they were making every shot after shot after shot.

I started to get nervous but I jumped around a couple times to let my jitters go away. I was making everything in, but Arianna was on top of her toes. I was the only one who made it in, Arianna was stopping at nothing to block every goal out there.

I looked at the stands to see my mom and sister and her fiancé followed by most of his teammates crawl into the stands I run over to the side of the field.

“What are you guys doing here?” I laughed seeing them so big compared to everyone else.

“We came here to support you! RIGHT GUYS!” Collin yelled behind him as Mal laughed with my mom.

“YEAH!!!” they all yelled by pumping their hands in the air. I can almost feel the ground shaking because of how loud they were yelling. I laughed and waved at them then ran back and did my warm ups.

 We had 5 minutes left and we huddled up as coach gave us his speech but this time it was different much different.

“Ladies I just wanted to say I have never been more proud of you guys, you all have made me proud to call you ladies my team. You each are phenomenal in your own way. I can’t wait to see most of you go on and carry your legacy in college. Tonight no matter what the score is I will know you are all winners in my heart. I am so amazed and proud at how well you all grown. Go out there and prove to yourself, to that crowd to me why you are a soccer player” he started tearing up, I never seen him cry before.

I looked around to see most of the girls with tears in their eyes even coach Kane I found myself wiping my eyes because tears went down my face.

Coach Kane looked at us and laughed “hands in everyone”

“1… 2… 3… JAGUARS!” that was the best one out of the four years I’ve been in this school.

I looked around at my team and I made them huddle up in a circle “now ladies we know why we’re here. We came here to prove the doubters wrong, we came here to fight, to succeed, to show that even if we lose we are still winners. I believe in all of you today, and when we step on to the field I know that we will show them something. You have made me proud to become your captain and I can’t be more grateful enough to even have this opportunity with you all to play with you” we chanted and yelled jaguars and ran over to our positions.

Liberty won the coin toss so they started with the ball.

The whistle blew and we were off.

I’m so proud of you. You have made your father proud, I love you sis. You’re amazing! Don’t let anyone tell you different! We care about you PJ! You’re my best friend and I love you.

Sweetheart I’m proud to call you my daughter.

All of the voices of my friends and families flew through my mind I smiled at myself, PJ this is your time this is your moment make your father proud.

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