Chapter 44 - Tears & Pizza

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I looked at Kristine who made her way pass my car and into hers who was a space away.

I pulled out the car and made my way home.

I called Zack, but he wasn’t picking up. Joe was busy with Anna so I ended up finding myself call Anthony.


It was around 5 ish practice ended at 4:30. I wasn’t that far away from home but I didn’t feel like going home just yet I needed to keep myself busy or I would find myself driving to Kristine’s to punch her.

“Hey Anthony, I was wondering if we can talk. I had a fight with Kristine and I just need to talk it out with someone.”

“Yeah! Come over!” he sounded excited on the phone, I didn’t think much of it I just ignored it.

“Okay I’ll be there in about 20 minutes bye”


I pulled into Anthony’s drive way, his house was a simple house just like Zacks but he still lived in the second richest neighborhood, mine was first.

I walked to the door step and rang the bell, I heard footsteps and then the door turn.

I looked up to meet Anthony’s eyes, he showed a perfect set of white teeth. He had excitement in his eyes, I took one step as he opened the door for me to walk in.

I walked in finding his house to be big, I turned around to see him with his hands in his sweats with a t shirt over.

I felt sad and I took a step and slid my hands around Anthony’s muscular torso, he was hesitant at first but then I felt his arms around my back. I started to cry because I was upset for the way I treated Krissy.

“Hey, it’s okay. What happened?” he whispered as he had his head rest on my head.

I cried softly as my head rested on his chest, he grabbed my shoulders and pulled me in front of him “Peyton, what happened?”

“I got into a fight with Krissy” his mouth did a perfect O, as he grabbed my hand and walked me into his living room.

He sat down next to me and had one leg up and one down, he faced me as one arm was behind me on the couch and the other on his thigh.

I looked at him reading worried all over his face, I ended up telling him everything. I didn’t know how easy it was to talk to him, I stopped crying and we ended up laughing and just enjoying everything.

I was no longer sad, Anthony told me to talk to Kristine because she’s too good of a friend to lose.

It was around 7 and I was starving Anthony and I went out to get some pizza because that always cheered me up.

“So what are you going to do this summer?”

“Well, I was actually planning to take the girls with me to London before we go to college. I want to live there, I always been fascinated with that place. Of course I want to finish college before I do live there. The girls and I are going to plan to apply to the same colleges and after college we’re going to go to London but every summer off of college we’re going to London, the girls have the same interest of living there. I remember when we were little kids and just wanted to live there because of all the interesting people there. I’m glad I just get to spend my summers with my girls before we start getting ready to go to college, but before London we’re going to Emma’s cottage that is in Michigan and stay there for the whole spring break. You guys can come too Emma always wanted boys to come up there.” I took a bite into my pizza and watched him smiling at me.


“You seemed to have a lot of ideas for this summer, it seems like you have a lot of things planned out” he took a drink of his soda.

I blushed, “yeah I just want to make sure I have a lot of things planned out”

“When you go to London make sure to call me before you get off the plane I want to say goodbye to you before you leave” I smiled at me with his lips closed.

I felt my cheeks getting red, I just nodded and we continued on with our conversation. We stayed at Mario’s for what it seemed like 2 hours. I looked at my phone and it was 9, I had to start going back home.

“Okay well thank you for today Anthony I really appreciate it. You are a great friend” I said as I opened my car door, he frowned at me but then smiled.

“You’re welcome Peyton, anytime I’m always here for you.”

And with that I drove out of his drive way watching him watch me, I was a few minutes away from my house.

Anthony was there for me, but Zack wasn’t…

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