Chapter 48 - Dirty Little Secrets

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I just looked away before I could say anything, I started my car and drove off the drive way. I can’t I just can’t talk to him after all of this happened.

I drove home why didn’t you talk to him? Did you not see how happy he was when he seen you? Go back! That voice in my head just left a trail of questions.

I just shook it out of my cranium, I need sleep. Yeah sleep is good that’s exactly what I need.


I got home took a shower and got into my pajamas, I laid in bed for what it seemed hours just staring at the ceiling. I heard my door bell go off, I got up and looked at the time 10:32 wow I left the party quiet early.

I heard the bell go off again and I made my way down the stairs. I opened it up to see, everyone there.

Still in their costume, happy to see me happy to see that I even opened the door.

I tried to close the door but Joe stopped it with one hand and let himself in “I don’t want you to shut us out again Peyton you have to understand one person’s mistake isn’t anyone else’s.”

I followed him into the living room followed by everyone else.

I sat down on the love seat waiting for someone to speak “PJ we’ve been worried sick about you” Joe finally spoke up.

I just scuffed which made them all look at me. Yeah you all seem to care so much about me when I find out that the two that caused all of this date three days later after I dump him.

I don’t want to talk about this because if I talk about this I’m just going to end up smacking someone across the face.

“Seriously Peyton hear us out” Joe said as he stood up in front of the TV with his hands in his slacks.

“Peyton I don’t know why they did what they did, but that doesn’t mean you should shut me or any of your other friends out. When something happens to one, it happens to the other as well. You haven’t talked to us in almost a week. You haven’t talked to me, Peyton that night were we just stayed and talked about our childhood I thought you remembered that I am your best friend. You weren’t going to shut me out Peyton, I don’t know why others peoples mistakes had to affect our or anyone else’s friendship. Peyton we car-“

“Stop! I’m not pushing anyone away, I need my space. I understand that you guys do care about me, but it’s time for me to figure this out on my own. I get that you guys care about me, and after all of this bullshit that happened to me in these last couple months I get that you do. I need to do this for me, for myself. I know you guys need to check up on me, but I am fine” I just stood up from where I was and walked over to Joe as I faced him.

“You don’t get that I realized that those two people sitting down right there are strangers to me” I turn my body to face them and I see tears in Kristine’s eyes.

“You don’t get that the shit you guys did was the worst thing anyone could of done. Especially because you were my boyfriend and you were my best friend” with every word I said my hands moved in a motion pointing and swinging.

I was known for talking with my hands, hey what can I say I’m Italian runs in the family.

“PJ we can explain…” Zack stood up from the end of the coach and took a step before I put my hand up to make him stay where he was.

“Explain this… forget you and forget her. You two are nothing more than snakes. If you had feelings for one another you should of TOLD ME. Before going around behind my back kissing each other trying to make things a secret”

“I WANTED TO TELL YOU, WE WANTED TO TELL YOU! But we didn’t want to break your heart…” Zacks voice got louder with every word.


“WE CARE ABOUT YOU, WE DID IT BECAUSE WE CARE ABOUT YOU AND LOVE YOU PEYTON!” he moved from the spot he was in go walk by the coffee table.

I walked over to the couch seat and faced him across the room now it’s my turn.

“You want to know what the best part of this is?” I said sternly as my hands gripped on the chair.

“The best part was that you two cared about, that you two love me. That you two are nothing more than just disappointments, I don’t want to argue I don’t want our friendships to end like this. A year ago I would of said NO boys to anyone. Especially my team, and look at where we are now” I chuckled a bit before we spoke and with a smile on my face I spoke again “I don’t really know whether to thank you or to slap you both right here in front of everyone.”

“Peyton we never meant to hurt you!” Kristine said and everyone turned to her direction.

“You didn’t what? I’m sorry say that again” I sounded so sarcastic and I loved every minute of it.

“Peyton stop okay? We didn’t mean for it to be this way, I didn’t think I would of done it to you Peyton I’m sorry okay” her voice croaked she started to get choked up and I just ignored her because she wanted me to feel sorry for her. She wanted me to think that none of this was her fault that it just happened.

I ignored her and sat down in the love chair, I had my hands covering my eyes when I look a long sigh and spoke staring at the both of them.

“When did this first affair happen?” I spoke.

“2 weeks ago” Kristine whispered two weeks ago huh?

Lets see two weeks ago we went to the cabin for my birthday, two weeks ago I was in the hospital. Two weeks ago I was the idiot who didn’t see this coming.

“You two have the nerve for me to sit here and feel sorry for you when you two did that two weeks ago when I was in the hospital?!”

“We didn’t kiss when you were in the hospital Peyton it was when we came back the day you got sick…” she sighed and sat back down everyone else looked at me to speak.

So that was the call Zack was making before he came to sleep over when he took so long outside.

A smile formed on my lips and everyone looked at me with wide eyes.

I stood up from where I was and so did Kristine and Zack I ended up hugging them both before whispering in their ear, “I know you two are dating…”

I pulled away to find both of them pale to the face I turned to leave the living room when I heard Zack speak “how did you know?”

I pulled my mask out from Ambers party and I turned around to smile at them I held the mask to my face without putting it on, “don’t forget who’s around to hear your dirty little secrets”

I threw it at them and left the room.

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