Chapter 7 - Mario's

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I walked to Coach Kane and handed him his keys saying goodbye to him and Coach Tuck. I started walking with Emma, Krissy and Amber as we heard a familiar voice calling us.

I turned to see Joe with a 5 other boys. Four faces I seen to many times today, and Tony the schools catcher.

"PJ, where are you guys going tonight?!" Joe said as he finally reached us, "well we were just going to go grab a bite to eat at a pizza place or something."

I said getting my lanyard with soccer balls on it and our schools colors that had my car keys attached to it.

"Do you think we can join you guys?" Joe said as I looked up, thinking to what Emma said as it wouldn't be a bad idea hanging out with the four boys because they didn't know anyone besides the boys team.

"You know what, yeah lets go." I smiled as Krissy looked at me stunned.

"Great, which pizza place where you going too?"

"Um I was thinking Mario's Pizza about 25 minutes away from here."

"Yeah, I know that place. Hey guys were going to get pizza, if you don't know the place follow us. It's not that far from here." Joe said as he turned to Tony and the boys.

"Okay, whoever gets their first get a table for us. Let's hope the place isn't packed." Amber said looking at the time on her phone.

"Okay, let's go." I said as I motioned my hand towards our car, we walked back to our cars in the senior parking lot.

I placed my bags in the back of the car, as I seen a dark shadow in the rear view mirror. I turned quickly, seeing it was Anthony.

"GEEZ, you almost gave me a damn heart attack!" I said gasping.

He chuckled, "I'm sorry I didn't mean to startle you." I smiled, I nodded apologetically.

"Is there something I can help you with?" I tried not to sound to cold.

"Um yeah I was wondering if you and your friends are free this Saturday to go to the beach with a couple of the baseball mates and some of your soccer mates too."

I looked at my iPhone for the date this Saturday, Saturday should be good there's no soccer nothing seems plan that day.

"Saturday should be good, I'm just going to check with the rest of the girls to see if they are free." I said looking at the calendar in my phone, I looked up seeing that Anthony moved in closer.

I took a step back seeing as he was too close to me, "that's great to hear." He smiled showing a perfect set of white teeth.

He got closer to me, as his hand reached for my cheek "yes well I'll see you then? Okay. Good. Now let's get going."

I quickly opened my car missing the handle a few times because I didn't realize what was happening.

I said as I got into my car closing my door, looking into my rear view mirror seeing him walk back to his car to start it.

I don't get what he was trying to do. Kiss me? Well if he was going to kiss me my knee was going to kiss his balls.

I don't get why he even tried to hit on me, slutty Sammie already gave him her number so I don't see what the hell the big idea was? I started my car leaving out of the parking lot with Krissy and the girl right behind me.

I called Krissy, and I placed my phone on speaker while putting it in a phone slot right above my radios so it held my phone when I made calls.

I had to tell Krissy about what just happened.

"Helloo?" a perky voice answered the phone.

"Hey hey, so um you're never going to believe what just happened?" as I started to drive on to the street getting stopped at a stop light.


"Uh Anthony almost kissed me, well I don't know if he was going to. It seemed like he was, he was so close to me."


"Chill out, it just happened like 5 minutes ago. I was by my car when he asked to go to the beach."

"WAIT, he asked you to go to the beach?"

"Yeah I mean he asked all of us if we can go to the beach with him and his teammates. And as I was looking at my phone I looked up and I saw him fairly close to me. I took a step back, and he reached for my face. That's when I hurried into my car. I wasn't going to stay and see what was going too happened next."

I was down the streets from Mario's.

"That's so exciting PJ! Maybe he likes you."

"Maybe he does, maybe he doesn't. Whether he does or doesn't I can care less, I have one thing to be focusing on. And that-"

All of a sudden I heard screeching, I looked to my side to see a car blowing a stop light at the last minute right when the light turned green and I drove through.



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