Chapter 4- Therapy

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"Hello, I'm Doctor Moone but you can call me Annie," a woman said in a low voice, as if she were careful not to scare him. "You must be Kurt."

Kurt nodded his head, and let his eyes wander around the room, so that they would fall anywhere but on hers. It's bad enough that he was trapped in that stupid hospital in that stupid gown, but that he would have to be surrounded by stupid doctors who think that he's stupid. Or crazy. Or both.

In the back of his mind, he knew that he needed this help, but he wished that it wasn't like this. How embarrassing.

"Tell me about yourself, Kurt," Annie said, in that same soothing voice she had used before.

"Um...I'm Kurt Hummel," he started, keeping his eyes in a fixed position on the wall, "I'm from Lima, Ohio and now I live here."

"Tell me more."

"Okay...uh, I have a boyfriend and he lived with me. I had an internship at Vogue, and that's it," he finished, as he checked out the window of the room, hoping to find his dad looking back at him. But there was nobody. Nobody but this annoying lady and him in an ugly white room.

"And why are you using past tense? 'Lived?' 'Had?'" she scribbled a few things into the notebook that she kept with her. The sound of the pencil scratching at the paper bothered Kurt, and he found himself gripping the sheets of the bed firmly.

"Because nothing's going to be the same anymore," Kurt said, "I'm not going to be able to live with my boyfriend anymore, because I can't even touch him without freaking out, and I can't go to Vogue because if I go, who knows what kind of hobo's going to attack me." His voice started getting louder as he continued, "My life is never going to be the same! I can feel myself going insane and tearing Blaine's life apart. I'm ruining his life!"

By the time he was done, he was screaming, his vision getting blurry with tears. Kurt was focused on the doctor's eyes this time, and wasn't planning on letting them go. She looked back at him with sympathy and fear at the same time.

"Is this what it's come to?" Kurt asked himself, "I'm just another mental patient?"

Annie got up from her chair that was placed at the edge of the bed and moved it to right next to Kurt.

Kurt didn't stop her, nor did he shrink away in fear.

"Look, you may not believe me on this, but it gets better. It may not be now or in a couple months or in a year, but it does. And you can't ever forget that. Don't let yourself forget that."

Through every word she spoke, she made direct eye contact with Kurt, as if speaking to his soul, and not to him.

He wiped his tears away, and then stared at his wet hands. They sat in silence for a while. It wasn't awkward, but comfortable.

"We've made enough progress today. I'll see you tomorrow," Annie said and held out her hand.

A therapy session couldn't fix his boyfriend's broken life.

Short chapter today. Just an introduction to the next part. Be sure to comment, vote, and read my other story, "Our Love." Thanks!

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