Chapter 19- Goodbyes and Hellos

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Burt wiped his tears, chucking out of embarrassment for himself and his son. It felt like the first day of kindergarten for him, watching at Kurt walked up the steps of the bus, lugging his backpack after him. Even when he left for college, Burt hadn't felt like this. At that point, he knew that Kurt would strive in New York. He wasn't so sure this time.

"What?" Burt said, "You embarrassed of your old man? I could be doing that dance in front of all these people- I still remember the moves!"

"Oh god, no!" Kurt yelled, shaking his head, "Not Single Ladies! Please!"

Both of them laughed, trying to savor this 'Father-Son' moment enough to last them for months on end. Burt hoped that he wouldn't be given a reason the see him before them if it meant something bad happened.

"I'm gonna miss you," Burt smiled ruefully, taking off his ball cap and rubbing his head nervously.

"I'll miss you too. But I'll be okay. You have nothing to worry about." That's what Burt thought last time. He thought he would be safe, and look what happened.

Burt didn't take a second longer to bring Kurt in for a hug. This was one of the only times that he felt completely comfortable with physical contact. With Kurt's head buried in the crook of his shoulder and Burt's arms wrapped around his waist, both of them felt a strong sense of familiarity. Every time Kurt was sad, sick, or lonely, they'd reach out for each other and try to make things better, or at least seem that way.

Meanwhile, Blaine locked eyes with Burt in the middle of it all. "I'll take care of him," he mouthed, a reassuring smile on his face. "It'll be okay."

They had to let go eventually.

With a final wave goodbye, Kurt went one way, Burt the other. Neither believed that they'd made the wrong choice.

This is what had to be done, they thought. This is what's right. Whether right was going back to New York to finally get some help, or letting someone you love walk away for their own good, it's what had to be done, and of that, they were certain.

"Are you okay?" Blaine said in a low voice, looking at the other man's glassy eyes.

Kurt sniffled quietly, "This is what I have to do. For myself."


Every house has a smell. The people living in it have no idea it's there because, well, that's what they're used to. Kurt remembered coming home from camp after a painful (and dirty, very dirty) 6 weeks away, and knowing the scent for a couple seconds before it was gone.

The same thing happened just then.

Blaine pushed open the door to the apartment, and it all came flooding to him. It was a combination of raspberry and vanilla bean, a combination that was...home.

Everything was the way it was before he'd left, the pillows neatly arranged and the patterned curtains pushed to the sides. The table dressed in the same placemats and chairs pushed in. The picture frames slightly crooked and floors unswept. Everything was the same.

"Welcome back."

So, I know it's a short chapter, but there's a lot coming up.

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