Chapter 25- Tell Him

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Blaine couldn't help but tap his foot against the ground nervously as he waited outside of the room, and found himself, once again, thinking of what to say. There were so many words, so many letters, so many things that could possibly describe what he needed to express yet none of them seemed to work.

"Hey," Kurt's voice snapped him out of his own mind. He emerged out of Dr. Moone's office and stood in front of his chair. "I'm just going to run to the bathroom real quick, before we go out."

"Okay. I'll be here." His voice was scratchy and he tried to hide it the best that he could.

Kurt left while Dr. Moone came in, her head dropped low with her eyes scanning another patient's file. The deep concentration was apparent on her face, through her squinted eyes and glasses hanging off the tip of her nose.

"Hi, Doctor," Blaine interrupted, stepping quietly in front of her. "Kurt's in the bathroom, but do you have a moment to..." He trailed off at the end of the sentence, dancing around awkwardly.

"Talk? Sure, why don't you come into my office?" She started backing up, expecting him to follow her, but found him instead standing where he was and fidgeting with his fingers.

"Oh, it'll only take a second, we can stay here- listen," Blaine glanced behind him, his eyes glued on the bathroom door until he turned his body back around. He spoke in a hushed voice, and so quickly that Dr. Moone barely understood, "they're having a trial for the guy who assaulted Kurt and I still haven't told him yet and I don't know how- and I thought maybe you could tell me the best way to do it?"

"You can't keep this from him. You have to tell him."

If only it was that simple.

He sighed, "I know."

"And you have to understand, he's going to be forced to relive an extremely traumatic experience publicly, so the best thing you can do for him is be patient. Listen to him and be there for him." He could almost feel his eyes burning from the force of the other's intensified pupils. "And I can't tell you how to break the news, but I can tell you that you need to do it soon."

Almost immediately after she'd finished talking, Dr. Moone stood up a little straighter, and he traced her line of sight to something behind him.

"You ready?" Blaine swiftly turned around and flashed a quick smile at Kurt, who looked back and forth from his doctor to his boyfriend. He tried not to call too much attention to their disoriented faces, or the stress clearly lining Blaine's eyes.


"Bye," Kurt said, as he backed into the doorway, "I'll see you next week."

"Goodbye, Kurt," she smiled. And then her eyes turned back into Blaine's and did that soul-staring thing. "Bye, Blaine."

"Bye." He waited no longer to get out of there.


Blaine was never usually one to be quiet, and that's when Kurt knew something was up.

They went out to dinner that night, as suggested (and paid for) by Kurt, and the conversation seemed awfully one-sided. He had to ask all of the questions, and he usually got a one sentence response. Two at best. It was painfully awkward, and Kurt didn't know exactly why, but all he knew was that dinner was good and Blaine was keeping something from him.

On the walk back to their apartment, though, Blaine came unnaturally close, so their arms rubbed against the others. He'd been walking at a distance for a while now, but only when they'd passed the alleyway had he gotten clingy.

"What's wrong with you?" Kurt finally blurted out, once he'd closed the door to their apartment.

"What are you talking about?" Blaine's eyes widened, and Kurt could tell that he was trying to avoid his glare.

"You're acting weird."

"No I'm not."

The answers made Kurt want to scream. Again and again he was shot down, Blaine always answering with a defensive comment and snapping at him if he did so much as look at him funny.

"You've barely said anything to me today and when you do, you're pushing out at me. Did I do something wrong? If I did I'm sorry but you have to talk to me about it."

"You didn't do anything wrong."

"Blaine..." He started, hoping what he was going to ask wasn't confirmed. "I hate to ask this but were you with someone else?"

He wouldn't be able to handle it if Blaine had been cheating, if he'd loved a man other than him. But Kurt had to admit, he couldn't blame Blaine if he had actually done it.

"You know that I would never-" Blaine's face flashed with hurt at the false accusations, and he could feel the intensity building up between them.

"I know I can't satisfy you in bed but-"


It burst out before it ran through his mind, and all it took was the pressure of the situation to cause him to blow.

This isn't how it was supposed to happen, he thought. I wasn't supposed to tell him like this.

Kurt only stared at him in response, while Blaine touched his lips and tried to shove his words back in.

"...what?" Kurt said, some confusion in his voice, though realization was showing up through his darting eyes.

"They found the guy know..." he explained, avoiding eye contact as much as possible, "and I didn't know how to tell you that he's being taken to trial in May. And I know I should've mentioned it earlier but you were improving so much and- I don't know-"

"You hid that from me.." Kurt spoke slowly, trying to understand as he was talking, "because you thought I'd get upset and ruin my progress?"


Kurt sighed and shook his head while he thought about his next choice of words carefully. "Of course it's going to be hard to testify and tell everyone what happened to me, but can you imagine how much safer I feel knowing that he's off the streets?"

A small smile came onto his face, with tears eyes. Kurt wasn't crying because he was sad, quite the opposite, actually. "He's finally going to get what he deserves. He's going to jail, and so what if I see him and have some mental breakdown? It already happened, I've already hit rock bottom. It's only up from here."

He came closer and cupped Blaines cheek with his hand, slowly bringing their foreheads together so they leaned in perfect balance. Blaine could feel Kurt's hot breath blowing on him, and it was hard to resist pressing their lips together too.

"I'm sorry I kept it from you," Blaine started starting to pull away, "I was selfish and stupid and-"

"You're not." Kurt pulled him closer, closing the space between their mouths and kissing him quickly but filled with passion. "I love you."

"I love you too."

They'd only gotten over one hill, and soon they would have to hike up Mount Everest. The trial was approaching, and it was not going to be easy.

Hey, everyone! If you haven't seen already, I made a posting schedule for my stories. It is as follows:

Not As Strong As You Think- Friday
For Him- Monday
Hello, I'm Kurt Hummel- whenever I get around to it

I hope you're all happy that I'm going to be updating more frequently and I hope you enjoy this chapter!

Don't forget to vote and comment! Thanks!

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