Chapter 21- Color

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The cold winter air broke against their cheeks when they walked against the current. It felt like a slap in the face each time the wind rushed towards them, but neither Kurt nor Blaine minded. They didn't care that it was already dark by the time the clock on Blaine's cell phone read 6:15. It was only the two of them meandering down the cracked sidewalks of the city. They had nowhere they needed to be and nobody they needed to meet, so it was okay if it was dark and cold and voices bounced off of walls.

They were close to home when Kurt stopped in his tracks. Blaine knew it would happen. He could see it a little ways back, but decided not to do or say anything about it. He simply slowed down with Kurt and waited with him while he looked down the dark alleyway.

Blaine hesitantly held out his hand halfway between him and Kurt. It almost felt like they were in high school again, standing over Pavarotti's bedazzled casket and mourning. It was like they were a few years back, where everything was simple and sweet and filled with show tunes. Their hair still blew lightly in their faces, and their lips pink, their faces pale with the cold. But everything was so, so different now.

To Blaine's surprise, Kurt took it.

"I used to love New York," Kurt breathed out. "I would fantasize about coming here for years to escape the reality of Lima, Ohio with my bullies and harassers. Then I got here," he sighed, a small smile on his face, "and even though I wasn't accepted into NYADA and I had nothing but was everything I thought it would be and more.

"It was Broadway and skyscrapers and art and passion and it was one step closer to what I've dreamt about. And after a little while you came," Kurt looked up, "and the lights seemed brighter and buildings seemed taller and everything color."

He stared into the alleyway straight ahead and whispered, "I want New York to be in color again, Blaine."

Blaine said nothing, but held his hand tightly until they made it back to the apartment.


While Kurt slept, Blaine started on his project.

He'd been brainstorming about it all this time. While they ate, the idea popped into his head. While Kurt caught himself up on the recent episode of Days of Our Lives ("Victor is such an ass!" Kurt had said. "Hm," Blaine had responded), he thought of how to pull it off. While Blaine was blowing up the air mattress next to his own bed, and Kurt wondered where it had been the last time, because their couch bent his spine 30 degrees, Blaine ran through the plan over again in his head. And eventually, while Kurt went to sleep at an early 10:17, Blaine started on his project.

It was 1:34 when he finished. Satisfied, Blaine tiptoed back into his bed, avoiding his feet from stepping on a curled up, softly snoring, hopefully dreaming Kurt Hummel. As he lie on his back, he was able to give one smile before drifting off to sleep.


When Kurt woke up, he had a strong sense of anticipation and adventure pulsing through his veins. It could've been his dream that did it, which consisted of an outside voice mumbling something about relations on a dewy meadow of lilac and going on hot air balloons. He didn't know why, nor did Buzzfeed when it came to those kinds of visions; they only knew of teeth falling out and being naked in public.

When Blaine woke up, he was practically shaking with excitement.

Kurt looked up from his magazine, amused at what he saw. "Maybe you should skip the caffeine today."

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