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-----"Mayday mayday the ship is slowly sinking, they think I'm crazy but they don't know the feeling."-----

----- My Demons - Starset -----

After all of my knocks were promptly ignored I felt I had no choice but to call Nolan. It was official. I was working for Nolan Doufer.

By all the hoops I had to jump through for the last few hours to make it official you would swear I was working for the president himself. I'd been photographed, finger printed, drug tested, the works.

"Olivia Doufer." The woman who had interviewed me finally introduced herself before the long and tedious process of running everything in Nolan's life.


She nodded, almost grimly. That explains it. Why she was so mortified by Nolan's reactions, why his glare didn't faze her at all, she was Nolan's sister! I felt almost as bad for her as I did for myself for accepting the job.

Strike that, I was getting paid to put up with Nolan, she had no choice. I definitely felt worse for her.

She'd put me into the system, connected me to everything Nolan. The bank account used for business expenses, his social media, his medical records. In just a few hours I knew more about Nolan than the stoner probably knew about himself. Not that it was terribly difficult to dig up information about celebrities, but I had his passwords, all of his numbers, the numbers to every single person who worked for him, from his producer, to his makeup artist, to his preferred vet.

When all was said and finished and my head was successfully spinning around in circles I'd asked "So where is he?"

She'd laughed. "That's your job."

Essentially, I was thrown into the lions dead, smeared with fresh lamb and bacon and left to try to outrun an entire hungry pack. Lions lived in packs didn't they?

Day one. Find Nolan.

Easy enough. He was at his house, one of several I would only assume.

He finally opened the door after rejecting my call. "You have to knock so early?"

I glanced to my wrist. "It's three in the afternoon."

"It's early somewhere." He shrugged and move back to let me in. "What do you want?"

"Well, you could start with putting a shirt on?" I suggested.

He looked down. He was very much shirtless and didn't seem to be bothered by it in the least. He looked up to me, I was focusing hard on the planner, thumbing through pages and blushing even harder. "They're just nipples. Hey! I'll bet you even have a pair, maybe even a trio?"

I looked up sharply from the planner to scowl at him and then back down.

"I know, let's compare? Yes?"

My face was burning, but I continued thumbing through the schedule. "We fly out in three weeks, so I've started a check list of everything you should bring on the bus, naturally the makeup artists will have your stage clothes on site so that isn't something you'll need to worry about. I wrote up this list for you, Friday we're supposed to have a conference call around 11 with your manager and the other band members, I booked the flight, the hotel, and have already reserved us a rental car for when we arrive in Arizona though I really would suggest making a doctors trip before the tour, you're behind on, well, literally all of your vaccines so I made an appointment next Tuesday your schedule seems to be clear except I saw in your Facebook messages you seem to have made dinner arrangements with, erm, several women that night. If you plan on maintaining any of those dates kindly let me know so I can pencil them in but-"

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