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"I don't care what you think think as long as it's about me."
---I don't care - Fall Out boy ---

I scowled at the help wanted ads. I needed a job, and fast. I had even tossed aside the idea of putting my expensive college degree to use and been applying for bartending, waitressing, and housekeeping jobs to at least hold me over.

This whole over qualified shit was for the birds. And I couldn't afford to float by with what money mom had left me with. I had had big plans with this money but with every passing week it diminished even more.

I was reevaluating my monthly budget plan, deciding to cancel my cable and downgrade to a track phone when there was a knock at the door. With a heavy sigh I stood up and opened the door.

None other than Nolan Doufer was standing at my door and he pushed past me easily letting himself into my house appearing to be completely oblivious to the trail of paparazzi standing behind my gate yelling at us. "W-what are you-" I managed as he brushed past me easily.

I was glue to my spot staring alone at a field of camera flashes and strangers shouting at us. Nolan came back outside after a moment and grabbed my arm. "Come on nimrod." He hissed in my ear and pulled me back in the house. Just before slamming the door he flipped the crowd the bird.

Nolan holding my arm tightly with a scowl hissing into my ear as he pulled me back would be only this first time my picture showed up in the tabloid.

I pressed my back against the door and watched him make himself at home. He went into my kitchen and opened up my fridge he scoffed loudly at his options and then pulled a soda out. "Piss poor selection you've got love." He said coming back into the room. He flopped on the couch, kicked his big muddy combat boots onto my spotless oak coffee table and cracked the can open. "So I think it started all the way back to my very first ever live performance. Kindergarten. The three little piggies. I was piggy number three, you know, the smart one who build his house out of brick. Spectacular performance really, I nailed my lines, those other piggies couldn't keep up. It was great. Except my dad, my own father couldn't be bothered! He didn't show. So I'm standing there dressed as a fȕcking pig, literally, and my damn dad-" He stopped when he looked at me and saw my face. "What?"

"What are you doing here?" I gaped.

He took a long chug of soda and then belched, I'm fairly certain was just for my benefit. "You promised me five minutes to start our day. Remember?"

"I-I-" I stammered over my words. When Nolan had told me I was hired I had not only laughed, I had snort laughed. I thought he was joking, being an ásshole, rubbing the job I would never have in my face.

After I had snort laughed my way out of the room I had gone to the ladies room and cried. More of frustration than anything. I wasn't upset at the job, I didn't even want the job at that point. I was so ashamed at myself for losing my cool, so angry at this man who knew nothing about me to have the gall to suggest I pop a few buttons and insinuate that there was a stick up my, well, you know, and so frustrated at this never ending loop of failed interviews.

But, here the príck was again.

His smoldering eyes found mine. "Pack your bags Carter Reid, we've got a tour to embark on."

I nearly went and did just that on his command but came to my senses after several steps. "Wait, wait. No."


"What you've never heard the word before?"

"Rarely, usually it's accompanied with don't, and stop, of course they're all put together in that order. No, don't stop, don't stop." He moaned mocking a feminine voice full with panting and moaning.

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