Forty Four

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"I don't know how to get through this, I don't know what I keep too hid. I've been running away but I'm tired of being on the run."

---------------- Save Me - Automatic Loveletter --------------


Carter seemed totally oblivious to me as I tied the strings of her hospital gown, I however was not oblivious to the marks on her back. I know I shouldn't have done it, but I brought my fingers down the bare skin of her back gently tracing the damaged skin. She shuddered but made no verbal complaint.

The doctor shined a light into her eyes so many times that I started seeing spots.

Carter was in mid conversation with the doctor, he was pressing on her stomach while discussing her basic medical history when she stopped up abruptly her attention turned to her father. "You're taking my clothes." She accused.

"It's evidence now Carter."

"Evidence?" She repeated in disbelief and sat up. "Evidence for what?"

"Your assault!"

Her cheeks turned pink immediately. "I'm fine." She insisted. She hadn't so much as had the blood wiped away from her head and she was trying to tell us she was fine?

"We have to press charges."

"We don't have to do anything."

"Honey, we'll discuss this when you're done with your exam. Okay? Let's just let the doctor look at you now and we'll talk to the police after."

"No! We will talk about this now!" She yelled and wretched away from the doctor when he leaned towards her.

"Carter-" Her Dad tried gently.

"No! I'm not pressing charges are you insane?"

"He belong in jail." He said raising his voice.

"So let someone else throw him in there."

"He is either going to jail by your hands, or the morgue by mine." I cut in roughly.

Whatever wall she had surrounded herself with since I had found her, the one that had her calm, and quiet, and detached came crumbling down. She started crying, and hard. "I-I don't - I don't want anyone to know-" She sobbed.

"Oh Carter this isn't your fault honey. Let me take care of this for you. This guys has got it coming." Her father tried reassuringly.

"Or let me take care of him for you." I growled, the make shift wall I had made around myself pretending to be calm and supportive came tumbling down just as quickly as hers did at the sight of her breaking down again.

The doctor cleared his throat to remind me that he was still in the room and legally would have to tell the police my plan should anything ever actually happen to that little shit.

"B-but it was-"

I sat down beside her and shushed her with a long, but soft shush. "Let the doctor look at you, we'll deal with all of later, okay?" She sniffled and tucked her lips together trying to contain herself. "You're allowed to cry Carter. You're allowed to scream, and throw things and be angry. You don't have to take ever in compliance. You're allowed to be as vulnerable as the rest of us."

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