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"And this is supposed to match the darkness that you felt, I never meant for you to fix yourself."
------- Centuries - Fall Out Boy -------

             Nolan was dying.

Or at least I was pretty sure. In any case he hadn't taken his head out of the trash can for nearly an hour.

Maybe it was food poisoning, maybe he was on a heavy dose of drugs, maybe he was just coming down with something, maybe some wiccan somewhere in the world had cast a smell to vanquish all the evil in the world and it had hit him pretty hard. Hell, maybe it was all of the above. For whatever the reason it may be, I was still freaking out.

First concert of the entire tour and he was dying. This would look great for me, not even managing to get him on stage. I knew he was getting bad after the hotel.

He was pretty insistent on sitting on the couch with his head in the trash can of his dressing room rather than to go in the bathroom and puke. I didn't know what to do, I wasn't bad at dealing with sick people. When Mom got sick I was actually pretty great, I talked to her and carried about day to day activities as if nothing was amiss. But this was different. Nolan wasn't the nearly comatose dying kind of sick, he was the very loud very vivid exorcist noises puking dying.

"If you took something, took too much, you have to let me know." I pleaded with little else to contribute other than rubbing his back. "Nolan-"

He finally flopped backwards, pulling his head out of the trash can and letting himself go limp against me, his head on my chest. "Don't worry so much." He muttered.

He was pale and damp with sweat. I put my hand on his forehead, almost out of instinct moved up further to run my fingers through his messy hair. "Jesus Nolan, you're on fire." I muttered.

"What? Nah. I'm golden baby." He said in a bored tone with eyes closed.

"What? You are not! What did you take?"

"Nothing." He groaned dragged the word out and sitting up quickly to grab the trash can again.

"You understand this is serious, right Nolan? If you took too much you could be dying right now!"

He flopped back this time putting his head on my lap he reached up to cup my cheek. "Relax Red. I'm good."

"It's Reid and you are like, I don't know, dying or something!"

"Reid, Red, whatever. It's one letter love. Don't be so over dramatic. I kinda like red...goes so well with your smoking hot personality." He licked his thumb and in slow motion put it on my leg and made a half invested sizzling sound.

My frustration was only growing as I tried to call Ace for the fifteen thousandth time to tell him Nolan was sick and it went straight to voice mail. With little other idea to do I decided to call one of the guys from the band.

"Hello." Holden answered and I could hear a lot of background noise as well as the other band members talking and fiddling with their instruments.

"Hey Holden it's Carter I'm sorry to call you I just-"

"I know who this is." He chuckled and I hesitated for a moment. He had my number in his caller ID. The band had my number? I guess I shouldn't be surprised but I was. "What's up?"

Nolan sat up again nursing the trashcan again reminding me exactly why I had called in the first place. "Nolan is sick. Like, really sick."


"I don't know if he took something and is like over dosing or if he's just sick or what."

"Didn't-" Nolan started and was interrupted by several dry heaves. "Take anything." He groaned.

"We're just down the hall, want us to stop down?"

"I mean, I don't know what to do and Ace won't answer his phone and I'm really actually concerned he is dying and I'm so going to get fired if he overdoses and dies."

Holden chuckled on the other line and assured me I wasn't going to get fired and that they would be right down.

Nolan flopped back on my lap again. "Drink some water." I urged him again and tried to offer him a water bottle but he gently pushed my hand away. "Nolan you're seriously scaring me here, you need to drink!"

"I'm fine. And God, you're comfortable."

There was a knock at the door and a moment later the band entered.

"Not you bastards." He groaned and rolled over to face away from them.

Almost subconsciously I ran my fingers through his hair. "He hasn't' stopped throwing up in an hour. I don't know what to do or if he took anything, he won't tell me, he's broken out in a sweat. I don't know what to do."

"He's alright." Finn assured me and he and Derek pulled Nolan off my lap and up right.

"He does this before every show." Derek continued.


"He always gets sick before a show. Never takes anything. I think it started out as nerves, now it's just tradition." Finn continued and they brought him up to his feet. "Come on buddy, it's show time."

"Is it?"

"Yes it sure is."

"Damn it. Where's my water?"

"Right here." I said truly baffled and handed him the bottle of lemon water.

"Thanks love. Alright boys, it's show time." He shook Finn and Derek off, hesitated when seeing Holden he seemed to debate whether or not he wanted to say something and finally decided on not.

"You okay?" Holden directed to me as the other filed out.

"Yeah I just...he was sick, like really sick. And now he's just...fine?"

"Yup. He's a peculiar one. Come on, I'll show you where you can hang out back stage while we perform."


Ugh, I know this chapter is SO short, but I'll post another on Sunday or Monday to make up for it and the next chapter will definitely be longer!

Sidebar, thanks a million to the few of you who sent me some song suggestions, I really do appreciate it and I'm always open to more!!

Don't forget to vote and comment! :D

Another chapter dedicated to @INNOCENT9146 for another really awesome cover!

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