You're second hand smoke, second hand smoke I breathe you in, but, honey, I don't know what you're doing to me
------- Irresistible - Fall Out Boy -------"Here, your gloves." I handed them back to Nolan and then just out of obsessive need, checked the satchel to make sure the planner was still there before climbing back on behind him. After a moment I took into consideration that I hadn't hesitated before climbing onto the bike. Maybe I could just trust him. I wrapped my arms around him again.
"Thanks for keeping them warm." He took my hands from his chest and moved them down, forcing them into his coat pockets. "It'll help. Trust me."
I nodded and pressed against him as he revved the engine up and took off again. Another terrifying, thrilling, freezing, speeding ten minutes and we were coming to a stop again outside of a corner store.
I hadn't done anything on the bike, and yet when I pulled the helmet off and shook my hair our I was panting. I was definitely not a motorcycle person.
"Believe it or not Nolan, I'm not so secluded from the rest of the world that I haven't seen a 7/11 before."
He rolled his eyes and I followed him into the store where he purchased a six pack.
"Breaking the rules, disqualification. No drugs or alcohol."
"Ah, we specified no drugs, we never agreed on alcohol but you don't have to drink any for this. It'll help you keep warm though."
I followed him out, we walked a few blocks, and finally stopped at the edge of the road where the ground turned down and a dirt path led us to the river. Nolan popped the lid off a bottle of beer.
"You're running out of time Doufer." I said and looked out the river.
"I only need a few minutes baby."
"My, you're arrogant."
"I prefer confident."
"More like acutely aware of my talent and skill? Oh, and good looks as well, sėxual stamina, and of course my impeccable length and girth."
"Oh my God." I groaned. "Way too much information there!"
"Don't think of it that way, think of it like a little sneak peek." He tossed a wink my way and I shoved him.
"Disgusting brat."
"Are you ever going to get tired of turning me down?"
"Not in this life time."
"Thought as much. Here. Drink this." He handed me a beer and promptly began chugging his.
"I'm not exactly a beer fan. Should you really be drinking? I mean the motorcycle-"
He responded by hurling the glass bottle onto the ground, it shattered and he opened a second chugging it just as dramatically.
"Drink! It's my two hours."
I rolled my eyes and despite my better judgement, I drank it. I hated beer. It was foul, and left a lingering taste of disproval down my throat even after I had finished it. He handed me a second and I drank it just as quickly as the first.
"Cheers." He said offering me a third, we clinked bottles and drank. For some reason I felt compelled to keep up with him. Prove him wrong about me. I wasn't stupid, I knew what Nolan thought of me. I knew he thought he was better than me, that I was a priss, someone who couldn't handle my own so I kept his pace. He didn't hide his surprise. "I'm impressed." He admitted and threw both his other bottles onto the ground shattering them. "Come on."

Heavy Wears The Crown
RomanceCarter Reid is looking for only one thing when she meets drug addicted, womanizer, lead singer Nolan Doufer. A job. Nolan Doufer is used to getting what he wants, a babysitter was not what he wanted, but looking at Carter he realizes there is one t...