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"I don't blame you for being you but you can't blame me for hating it. So say what are you waiting for kiss her kiss her."

------- A Little Less Sixteen Candles A Little More Touch Me - Fall Out Boy -------

He glanced up from the bed.

"Yeah?" He looked fine, his lips still slightly discolored but his cheeks and nose were bright red. He was favoring neither side of the bed but rather laying directly in the middle, the blankets were pulled up to his chest and he had both arms crossed behind his head.

I blushed at my sudden freak out. "I-I- are you getting in?"

"With you?"

"No! Of course not you perv. I just meant were you going to get a shower?"

"Nah, I'm good." He said and turned his attention back to the television.

"Oh. Kay." I went back to the bathroom and turned the water off. I came back out and eyed Nolan suspiciously. "Did you take your boxers off?"

"Come check." He said and tossed me a wink.

My eyebrows shot up and he laughed.

"I thought about it, but kind of worried I'd catch something rubbing my díck all over these sheets so I figured I'd better not..."

I rolled my eyes. "You're worried about catching something from the sheets but not the slew of groupies you're always entertaining?"

"Be careful Red, your judgmental stick up the áss prude side is starting to show again. Not that it ever stopped. And for the record, I've never rode bare back."

"I'm not being judgmental, and good."

He snorted. "You aren't?"

"No! I never said there was anything wrong with sėx Nolan. You assume an awful lot about me considering you know nothing about me."

"I see the way you roll your eyes when I meet up with someone, the way you look you give the girls when they're heading out. You think I'm deaf to the scoffs and blind to the blatant look of superiority you're always eying us with? News flash baby, it's 2016 and slȕt shaming is way old school, even for you."

Following all of Nolan's accusations, I did each. I rolled my eyes, shook my head, scoffed and gave him the look. "I don't care that you have sėx Nolan. I don't care that these woman who have known you for 15 seconds sleep with you. If you think I don't have celebrity crushes I'd drop my drawers for in a heartbeat you're nuts. You're right, it's 2016. If someone wants to sleep with you and you want to sleep with them I have absolutely nothing against that. It's your body, do with it what you will. I'm glad you're using protection."

"To drop your drawers for someone I'm pretty sure that'd go against the whole chastity belt thing." He rolled his eyes, clearly ignoring the rest of my speech. My brows knit together curiously. "Your virginity Carter. You can't have sėx with a celebrity and hold onto your precious v-card. You'll have to choose."

"I'm 23 years old."

"I am not a virgin Nolan."

His brows rose, nearly disappearing behind the damp hair matted to his head. "Are you lying?"

"Do you think I care enough about your opinion of me to lie? Just to impress you?"

"Well shit. I just lost quite a pretty penny."

"A bet baby."

I was instantly furious. "You bet about my virginity? God! Do you have no modesty? No moral compass? No level of self-respect? That's my personal life you're betting on! And you called me the judgmental one! You've been judging me from the moment you met me!"

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