"When my world is falling apart when there's no light to break up the dark that when I, I look at you."
---------------- I look at you - Miley Cyrus -------------
"I don't understand..." I finally whispered.
"Give your statement Carter."
"I already told you this isn't a war we can win Dad, I just want it to go away again, please."
"No. You don't understand. We win."
"I don't understand." I said harshly. "I already said that."
He sat down quickly on the edge of the bed. "Nolan has the video."
Color rose to my cheeks at the thought of Nolan seeing that. Had he watched it again? Had anyone else seen it? Did he see the drunken 16 year old every time he looked at me? "It doesn't matter the statute of limitations is up, it's been well over the five years now, if he knew it was still obtainable it would only be more fuel to the fire. He knows I can't have anyone seeing it!"
"The statute of limitations Carter." He said slowly, firmly. "In the case of sexual assault on a child is different in every state. The statute of limitation in our home state is five years after the victim becomes of age."
My mouth parted slightly as did Nolan's.
"Do you understand what that means?"
"You can charge him for the assault?" Nolan demanded.
"Sexual assault, distribution of child pornography, extortion, tack on the breaking and entering charges, the aggravated assault-"
"We can win this?" Nolan asked sounding positively stunned.
I looked from Dad to Nolan. "B-but-"
"Win the battle and the war!"
"N-no we'd lose, Nolan attacked him-"
"Let me worry about that." Nolan waved me off. "Lose the battle win the war, whatever."
"B-but-" If we went to trial, we made this public, if we made this public everyone knew.
"Give your statement Carter."
I toyed with end of my hospital gown, keeping my eyes on my hands rather than the men in front of me all waiting for answers.
"Carter." Dad repeated my name again, firmly, in a complete and utter father tone. The kind of tone that he would use when counting to three before inflicting a punishment on me when I was a child. The kind of tone that a child wouldn't dream of fighting against.
I raised my head slightly, eyes looking through my lashes, and I gave my statement.
Nolan stood on the other side of the room, leaning against the wall again. Occasionally I would hesitate and glance to Nolan before casting my eyes to the ground again as I retold the story. He didn't say anything, his expression even remained neutral, it was a scary look for Nolan.
"And when he...he kissed me...I hit him with a beer bottle. That's why there's broken glass and blood everywhere...then...and I ran...to Nolan's." I recounted slowly, glancing up to Nolan again wondering what his expression would be, when it was still blank I finally finished. "And Nolan brought me here."
We were all quiet for a long time after, even once the police had left, Dad assured me several times that I had done very well but the room was tense and awkward. I felt somehow silly and ashamed having admitted what Kaleb had done in front of them, they felt somehow lost and useless at having heard it and being unable to do a thing to change it.

Heavy Wears The Crown
RomanceCarter Reid is looking for only one thing when she meets drug addicted, womanizer, lead singer Nolan Doufer. A job. Nolan Doufer is used to getting what he wants, a babysitter was not what he wanted, but looking at Carter he realizes there is one t...