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  "Turn your head for one second and the tables turn, and I know, I know that I did you wrong but will you trust me when I say that I'll make it up to you somehow, somehow"

------- I'm So Sorry - Imagine Dragons -------

"So what, you're just going to ignore me all night?" Nolan asked as we rode to the hotel room in silence. "Carterrrr." He sang out in a chipper tone.

Silence. Crickets. Nothing.

"You're being over dramatic love." He teased but again I had no answer. I kept my arms crossed over my chest watching out the car window.

I had fought the urge to call Rita sobbing hysterically and begging her to pick me up at the airport and take me home and had instead cleaned myself up, wiped the tears, touched up my makeup and stood back behind stage as I had been trying to do beforehand.

When the show had finished, I followed behind quietly as the band signed autographs, took pictures, and forced their way out of the concert hall not saying a single word to Nolan. Even when he'd slipped a pair of groupies back stage and into his dressing room, rather than yell at him or kick them out I sat patiently outside the dressing room browsing the web on my phone.

"I was just trying to help." He insisted after ten very long and quiet minutes. We arrived to the hotel and I got out of the car wordless making my way in.

"Carter. You can't ignore me all night."

If I wasn't ignoring him, I would have asked him if he wanted to place money on that bet. But seeing as I was ignoring him, I simply kept trudging.

Nolan sent me a look once we'd entered the elevator and I knew immediately he was trying to come up with a plan to test me. True to word he leaned forward and pressed the stop button on the elevator.

The elevator began ringing obnoxiously as it jolted to a stop. I leaned back against the wall tapping my foot while Nolan watched me waiting for some sort of meltdown to ensue. When it didn't, he frowned and pressed it again to let the elevator move again.

I couldn't help but smirk slightly. This was one of few victories I'd had.

When the elevator opened I stepped out first and Nolan sulked after me.

"I thought I was helping." Nolan called into the bathroom as I was changing into my pajamas. "It was a good song really. I didn't know you wrote, I didn't know you played. I thought it was a great thank you for helping with the tour and everything. I could help you, you know that right? I wrote you up a melody, and sheet music and I could really help you with writing lyrics. Not that yours were bad or anything I just mean in writing more songs I could help."

I threw the bathroom door open and breezed past him wordlessly. I could feel his eyes following me and I was a bit frustrated that my pajama bottoms were so short. I knew I wasn't exactly a looker now in my loose tank top, short bottoms and sloppy bun placed just a smidge too high on my head, but it's not like I had anyone to impress and I was far too exhausted to care about anything other than sleep right now.

Nolan followed me into my room of our suite.

"You're really not going to say anything to me? It's been like two hours."

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