Chapter 15

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I wake up to Sarah opening the latch on my stable. I don't know what time it is. It's pretty early though. The sun is rising. The beautiful purple-pink sky surrounding the bright, blinding sun. Sarah walks in and she sits in the corner of my stable. She brings her knees to her chin and she throws her head in between them. She wraps her hands around her shins. She lets out sobs. What's wrong with her? Her hair is messy. She has tired restless eyes. She is pale. I look at Glic. Glic points her head towards Sarah. I nod at Glic and I walk over to the little, helpless girl. I use my muzzle to play with her messy hair. She looks up into my eyes. Her eyes raw from crying. She was crying all night. She places her forehead onto my nose. ''Oh, Scooter, I'm sorry. I can't stop crying every time I go that mass every year. I just wish she can be here, to support me. Dad isn't the same. Dolanstown isn't doing to well. All I've got is Leona, Seán and my beautiful horses. Dad is getting worse. I wish Suzanne were with me. She always make my life fun, no matter what''. Sarah sobs. ''I miss her so much. She was good to my family, the horses, Leona and me''. Sarah cries. Suzanne was a good friend of hers. She lost her the same year she lost her mother. Sarah breathes slowly. She calms down. I lie down beside her. I let her lean on me. She falls asleep. I keep her warm by breathing on her. I look up at Glic. ''That was a kind thing, Scooter. It's like you born to be with her''. Glic says quietly. I smile at Glic. It is like we were meant to be together. I shut my eyes and fall asleep.

I wake up to Sarah shuffling around on my side. The race is today. She takes me out of my stable and she prepares a hot feed. I wait patiently, for the food. As I eat my food, she's giving me a hot sponge. She cuts my mane and tail, so it's not her or my way. Leona drives into the yard and she parks the blue Range Rover. She hops out and she starts to groom me and dry me, while Sarah prepares herself. Leona scrapes all of the dirty water of me, using a sweat scraper. She gets a handful of clean straw and she starts to dry me of with the straw. She sticks traveling boots, light rug and my headcollar on me. She pats me and strokes as she waits for Sarah. Sarah comes out of the farmhouse dressed up, with the tack and is ready to go. They close the loading door and they turn on the red truck to life.

Sarah's P.O.V
The two of us are quiet. I know why. My mother's mass. I walked into the church. It was quiet. My relatives were there. They all looked at me. I do wonder if they want me to get a better job than horses. For the past five years, all I had was no one to look out for me. Leona was always there for me. No matter what. Glic and Sammy. The two of them new what happened. It's like they are human too. They know how you feel. They always ask you questions. I let out a long sigh. Leona looks at me quickly. She's trying to not to crash. ''How was it?''. She asked quietly. ''Annoying. Boring. Every other person was there, like every single year''. I say coldly. ''They said nothing to me. They don't care about my family. They only care about the way my mum died. To teach me a lesson to stay away from horses''. I add. Cold hearted brats. Leona keeps her eyes on the road. ''Listen, Sarah, if you need anything, just call. I'm always there for you''. She says brightly. I nod my head.''Thanks''. I say quietly. I stare off into the distance. I'm glad I went to Scooter. She knew I was hurt. It's like she was meant to be mine. I think Glic told her to do it. Glic has always been there for me. We drive onto the gates of the car park beside Fairyhouse. We have to cross the road to get into the racecourse. The stables beside the car park. We park the truck and hop out to grab Scooter.

Scooter's P.O.V

Sarah and Leona take me out of the horse truck and lead me into a stable. They prepare for my early race. Sarah leaves to go to go and get ready. Leona leaves me in the stable with my rug on. I shut my eyes. ''Hey Scooter!''. A familiar voice says. I open my eyes. KANDY!!!! ''What are you doing here? How did I not-? How?''. I say surprised. ''I wanted to see what a real racecourse is like. Where are we? When are you racing?''. The cheeky pony says quickly. ''Kandy get in the stable beside me!''. I order. Kandy quickly walks into the stable beside me. She tells me she got in by hiding in the little bedroom in the truck. She got out when Sarah and Leona put me in the stable. I sigh. ''Ok Kandy. Stay quiet. Don't leave the stable''. I say worryingly. The little pony nods her head.

I see Leona coming back. Kandy lies down in the stable and stays quiet. Leona tacks me up. She secures everything tightly. I'm number three today. Leona leads me across the road that is jammed with traffic. We walk to the parade ring and enter it. ''Here she is! Destination S! She is off to a good start this season. She is guaranteed to win this race today along with The Sky Princess!''. The commentator says excitedly. The Sky Princess looks at me coldly. You are going down.

Hey guys hope you enjoyed this chapter.
Leave a vote if your enjoying this book or a comment. Also I would like to give credit to my friend LeonaSmyth2. Go check out her two books. Thanks Leona for helping me.
See ya's in the next chapter🏇🏇😄😄

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