Chapter 40

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Sarah showed me another picture of The Sky Princess. She is lacking muscle. She obviously hasn't been getting her steroids. I hope that vet is still in jail. The Sky Princess is preparing for The Grand National too. Lets hope her lack of steroids affects our hope of winning. Sarah takes me out for a morning gallop.

Miranda's P.O.V.

I walk to the gallops. I see my mare as she gallops around the sandtrack, unstoppable. Her hooves hit the ground like thunder. Her muscles flexing. She sweats. She grunts and pants. I'm glad I don't train her. She is crazy. She is brilliant though when she is on a racecourse.

I'm going to kill Sarah. I hate her! She has got most of the jockeys' and trainers' attention. She told them she will be there. I just want to strangle her. Her voice echoes in my head. ''Destination S is not afraid. I'm not either''. She says to the cameras. The journalists writing down what she had said. I remember staring at her with hate. A journalist then asks her ,''Who is Destination S?''. Sarah smiles at her and pauses. She clutches her shoulder. Obviously that shoulder is not recovered. I remember Destination S staring at me when she galloped away from us in The Curragh. ''Scooter is Dawn Run's and Destination's daughter. She is not afraid. She will win this''. Sarah says getting up from her seat and walking out of the conference room. ''That girl scares me!''. My father says. Leona looks at him and says ''Good!''. She walks out after Sarah with a deadly smirk on her face. ''She does too!''. My father says pointing at Leona. The journalists look at me. Who calls their horse Scooter! That's a ridiculous name! ''What do have you to say to that Miss Miranda Hart?''. A journalist asks me. ''The Sky Princess is definitely going to win. It's not all about who their dam or sire is. Horse racing is unforgiving for a heart broken girl and friend like them''. I say smiling. I remember them staring at me in shock. They all get up and ask me more questions. Most of them were about Scooter and Sarah. All the jockeys and trainers are talking about them now. They are saying that Scooter will win. Nope! I stare at my mare as she gallops by me. My mare will win for sure. She is stronger, bigger and faster. She is the Danger Zone. Everyone is scared to go near her during a race. They all stay back a few metres away from us. The cowards. Scooter is afraid. We've won more races than Sarah and Scooter. That mare was close to dying! Of course, Sarah had to come in and ruin the plan. ''Dad! Lets go visit a friend in jail!''. I shout. It's about time I bail someone out. I have all the money I need. I will win The Grand National. Even if I have to break her.

Scooter's P.O.V.

I walk down the thin country road. Sarah gives me rein. She pats me. The birds are tweeting. The sky is clear from clouds. I let out a sigh of relief. I walk, stretching my legs out. A tractor comes up in front of us. A big green John Deere. It has a trailer full of silage hitched at the back of it. Sarah signals the farmer to slow down. He does so and Sarah squeezes my sides asking me for a trot. I react immediately. I leap into a fast trot. The tractor groans. It's wheels are the size of my back. They are huge. I've never seen such a powerful machine. The trailer stands taller than the tractor. The silage is heaped in the trailer. Sarah scratches my shoulder. I remain calm. The tractor pulls away as soon as we are away from it. It rumbles and groans down the small country road. Sarah pats me. ''That tractor reminds me of you Scooter!''. She says. I think about it but end up being confused. ''It's powerful Scooter. Just like you on the track. You were one scrawny little mare when we got you. When I galloped you for the first time, it was like being in a tractor with four wheel drive, no brakes and with six gears. A powerful tractor. I wonder what makes you so powerful?''. Sarah says. I guess my mother and father were just big horses. My mother would be in front of all the horses once that line is dropped. Her back end was so powerful. She was the lead mare. She one every race she was signed up to do. ''I guess your mother's only race was the one that killed her''. Sarah says sadly. My mother was a trooper. That is true. The only race she ever lost, was the one that killed her. ''Same here with my mother''. Sarah adds. I give a little whinny. I put my head down remembering the two mothers. The two of them were powerful. Sarah and I are the same. We have broken hearts that will someday be glue back together. Piece by piece. We enter a field that says no trespassing. ''Pfft! Such crap!''. Sarah says to herself. ''Come on girl!''. She shouts. She gives me rein and I leap into a gallop. We gallop up the long lane. My hooves pounding the ground beneath them. I eat up the ground. Stride by stride, I keep getting faster and faster. Sarah sits low on my back. ''You can do better''. She whispers. She loosens her leg grip and sits even lower. I leap into an even faster pace. I surge forward. Going as fast as my small legs can carry me. Sarah stands in the saddle as soon as we reach the top of the hill. I slow down into a working trot. Sarah slows me down. She looks across the field. There is a jeep and the farmer doesn't look happy. He looks over at us. Sarah nudges me and uses her weight to tell me twist on my hindlegs. I rear up and twist on my hindlegs. As soon as I'm turned around I leap from my rearing position to a gallop down the lane. Sarah laughs her head off. ''I didn't know you could do that?''. She says surprised. I didn't either. I gallop faster. Let's just hope we get to the gate before that farmer.

Hey guys! Sorry about the wait.
My brother had his Conformation on the weekend and we were really busy!
I also had to go hunter trailing with my pony!
He jumped a clear though! I'm thrilled! I've got another one tomorrow! I hope he'll jump a stormer!
I just couldn't get my head around to writing this chapter!
Thank you for being patient guys!
I'll see ya's in the next chapter!
Goodnight guys!❤️❤️🐴🐴

P.S. Happy Paddy's Day!💚💚🇮🇪🇮🇪

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