Chapter 29

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Hey guys this is picture that I sketched and shaded hope ya's like!!
On with the story!!!


I gallop the fiery mare is after me. I gallop away from from her. I gallop down the long, black tunnel. I look behind me and I see the hurl again. It blocks The Sky Princess from getting to me. I look over to my left and I see a horse lying down on the ground in the middle of a racetrack. Another horse gallops up to the helpless horse. The horse who stands puts his head down over the hurt horse. I turn around and stare into blackness. I hear a whisper. The whisper is a masculine voice. It whispers very lowly ''I will get you Destination S''. I turn around to find The Sky Princess after me again. I gallop and gallop. I feel myself getting faster and faster. Then I feel my leg get caught again. It gets caught in a hole that wasn't in front of me a few seconds ago. I scream in pain—

I wake up. I'm lying down in a stable. My leg is bandaged up. I try to get up. I struggle. My legs are weak and my muscles ache. Where in the name of God am I? I stand weakly. How long have I been unconscious? Where's Sarah? I walk over to stable door, taking my time. I peak out of the top of the door. I see other horses here. ''Hey! Where am I? Where's Sarah?''. I ask frightened. The horse looks at me expressionless. ''You're in Mr.Hughes veterinary clinic and riding school''. The horse says bluntly. He has no brightness in his eyes. He holds his head down low. He has a beautiful palomino coat. It has a shine to it. His mane is as white as snow. ''You say there is a Sarah person here?''. He asks me. He doesn't look at me though. ''Uhh...yeah...I need to find her. She hurt herself badly''. I answer frightened. He doesn't answer. He moves to back of the stable and faces his fat butt at me. Rude. I look at the lock in my stable. It's just one of the sliding locks that Sarah has back home. I use my muzzle to open it. It slides back smoothly. I give the door a nudge with my nose. I look down at my leg. It looks swollen. I don't care! Where is Sarah? I turn right and head down the isle of stables. The place is well kept. I limp painfully. Obviously I'm not been given any painkillers. I walk down to the barn doors. I look out the window that is high up on the door. I can't see much as I try to stretch up high. All I can see is darkness. The veterinary is closed. Perfect. More time.

I walk around to find a mare that is standing in fear in her stable. ''Hey. Where's the office of this place?''. I ask the pony. The pony looks at me with fear. ''D- D- Don't c-come ne- near m-m-me!''. She shouts. ''I w-wan't to go h-home!''. She adds. ''G-get  out of h-here while y-you can! T-this p-p-place isn't a v-veterinary! It's a h-hell hole!''. She says shaking. I look at the bright bay mare. She has little grey hooves. She has dark grey socks that go up along her leg and ends at her knee. She has a white body all around. She has beautiful black eyes. It's like staring into space. I can tell they twinkled when she seen me coming. All the little 13.3hh mare wants is company. ''Hey! Don't be scared. Listen. I need to know where the office is. I need to see my prescriptions and find Sarah''. I say to calmly. ''Just take a nice deep breath. Then let it all out''. I coax the mare. She breathes in and then out. ''Okay''. She says quietly. ''The office is down the corridor behind you on the left. The vet's name is on the door''. The mare says calmly. ''Thanks. What is your name? I'm Scooter.'' I say brightly. It is good to make friends. I am a friendly horse anyways. ''My name is Boo.'' She says brightly. ''Thanks Boo.'' I say. I start to walk down the corridor. I look at the doors and I found one that has a steel sign on the door.


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I open the door using the handle. It was awkward, but in the end I ended up pushing it down with my muzzle and push the door open. I look around the office. It is very clean. I see a lot of legal files though. I wonder why? I look through a folder that seems to be Boo's file.

Name: Boo
Age: 10
Gender: Mare
Type of animal: Equus Caballus
Breed: Icelandic Pony
Colour: Grey and white
Markings: Dark grey socks that start from hoof and end to knee
Problem: Pony was found abandoned in a ram shackled stable. Pony is very startled. Ribs are in sight. Under a mass of weight. Pony suffering from dehydration. Mare is too crazy to handle.

Medical Prescription: Has been doped.

Doped. That's what the vets at races look out for. I read more of the file. Boo suffers from craziness sickness. Poor Boo! They have been doping her! She is just to crazy to control! They just dope her! I continue reading. This mare has a terrible life. This mare isn't suffering from any sickness. She is suffering from lack of care, love and also communication between the horse world and human world.

What kind of vets am I in! I see a picture of a man. He has a bit of a round belly on him. He is not that tall. He is a bit small. The man is bald too. He smiles in his graduation picture. This guy must be forty years old. I feel my head ache. I squint my eyes together. It's like a ball that is constantly hitting the sides of your head. This man is the shady man. I remember now! I hear his voice in my head. His voice is rough and a bit high pitched. I see another prescription. It is mine. I read through it.

Name: Scooter
Age: 5
Gender: Mare
Type of animal: Equus Caballas
Breed: Irish thoroughbred
Colour: Bright Bay Mare with black mane, tail and socks
Markings: Perfect white star on forehead and small white sock just above right the right rearleg's hoof.
Problem: Twisted fetlock. Not sure if mare is able to walk anymore. Suffering from slight concussion.
Medical Prescription: Euthanise

I stare at the paper. Euthanise me. Put down! No! I'm walking right now! My fetlock is sore. I look at my x-ray pictures. I don't see any problem but swelling. Something is not right here. I need to find Sarah now! This vet is going to euthanise me. This vet uses drugs. What kind of vet is this guy? I have to get out of this place! I go to turn around I limp out of the office. I close the door. As I walk back to my stable, I see a figure who is standing beside it. ''Hello Scooter. Escaped aye! Looks like you are walking again. That proof won't stop me ending your life''. He says coldly. I know straight away who that is. That is the vet himself. I stare at him in horror. You will not euthanise you creep! I will not allow that! Nor will Sarah!

Hey guys! Yes I know! I haven't had a chance to update this week. Sorry!!!!!! I was terribly sick with the flu guys and I couldn't look at the screen. Energy was drained from me guys. I ended up staying away from school for a few days and I just slept guys. Terribly sorry guys. Thank you for being patient guys. You are all awesome.❤️

Hope you enjoyed the chapter guys.
I'll see ya's in the next chapter!🐴🐴❤️❤️😀😀

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